ROTJ Bucket now with Paint

So how about some more pics? Or updates? :) I'd personally like to see pics of the keyhole slots.

I supposed we'll have to establish a new 'handle' for this helmet along the lines of MSH, DP95, MHK, etc... How about the WPKFWHYTSFAPDONMWOA* ?

* "Well-Paid-Killer's-Friend-Who-Has-Yet-To-Step-Forward-And-Provide-Details-On-This-Magnificent-Work-Of-Art"
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Ha ha ha...:lol: Well I have been told some HUGE leaps and bounds have been made with this helmet! New pics
will be coming shortly...
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Ok Kids she's just about ready for paint!

In case anyone might wonder after viewing these pics the ear caps are inginuity at work. They are REAL METAL!!
(well, almost ;) ). These are cold like metal, and feel like metal in every way. In all actuallity, they are molded
with a white urethane resin core with a thick, tough outer coating of polished "Lab Metal". I just found out that
this might possibly be another cool new feature on this new bad ass on the block!
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Great lookin helmet WPK, and those ears are awesome. But I have a couple of questions.
I know that these comparison pics are hard to do because of matching the angles but these are great and in the second one the two helmets line up pretty good but here is what I spotted

The yellow line is the ear on the new helmet the green line is the ear on the movie helmet. They both appear to be in the same location relative to the area around them but they do not line up, is this the angle or is it because of the area in blue which appears to be larger than the movie helmet.
Is this area conceled by the where the two paint colors meet or is it again the angle of the pictures and if its the angle how does everything else line up?

One last thing is, will this type of ear be made available to people with other types of helmets?
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Well, I was previously on the fence about selling some stuff to feed this hobby, and I think this thread has
finally pushed me off. I need one of those, like my brother needs a date.

*looks for stuff to sell*
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Happy to hear all the great response to this! As far as this bucket is concerned I think we are just about
there. The dome still needs some final touches but we're not to far off... ;)

These overlays do not really prove a whole lot. They were just done to show overall proportion reference. As
said, its extremely difficult to match camera angles and so fourth. The input from TKfett is exactly correct
within the overlay shot but the areas that were shown have everything to do with the angles and paint

Seeker - BLASPHEMY!!
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WPK that is what I figured because no one would put that much work into something to miss a small detail like that. Also what about the ears being offered alone?
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