Evolution props


New Hunter
Does anyone have an opinion on Evolution props? I'm looking to by the helmet and armor for the ROTJ Boba Fett from some place and the only site I have seen with the helmet and armor is Evolution props.
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Just in case you can't find the existing threads, the quality and accuracy of Evolution material is far below the standards of any of the suppliers in this community. I purchased some of the Evolution props prior to finding TDH, and have nothing but regret.
Just in case you can't find the existing threads, the quality and accuracy of Evolution material is far below the standards of any of the suppliers in this community. I purchased some of the Evolution props prior to finding TDH, and have nothing but regret.

I get the sense that they are not what I am looking for...lol Thank you friend and I will search on.
gabe (evolution) isn't the worst, starfortress is the worst. but look around here, you'll find what you're looking for.
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