*Official* Help us build Jeremy Bulloch his own Fett suit!


Well-Known Hunter
If you're new to this topic, before asking any questions, please read this thread for some background information on this project. :)

Please use this thread for pledging parts or monetary donations to this project.

This is a list of pledges, either for parts or monetary donations to buy parts/materials with for the suit. Items in <font color="#FF0000">RED are still needed, items in <font color="#FFFFFF">WHITE have been pledged, and items in <font color="#00FF00">GREEN have already been donated/received:

<font color="#568675">Offers of parts donations:

<LI><font color="#FF0000">Jumpsuit -
<LI>Vest - Han Hunter
<LI>Neckseal - Han Hunter
<LI><font color="#00FF00">Gloves - donated by Slave 1
<LI><font color="#00FF00">Boots - donated by Mark Cheng (a LONG time ago)
<LI><font color="#FF0000">Spats (depending on version of suit) -
<LI>ROTJ cape - BobaFettish
<LI>ESB cape - Trooper TK409
<LI>Girth (needs to be dyed) - TK-Fett
<LI>Ammo belt & pouches - sith_camaro
<LI>Hip pouches - Fetthunter

<LI>Metal helmet (discounted to $250) - Hand-Schaub
<LI>FG MB Chest armor (4 pieces) - Geoffett
<LI>FG shoulder bells - Rodann
<LI>Codpiece - judz dwedd
<LI>Gauntlets (ROTJ *or* ESB) - Ruffkintoy
<LI>Collar armor & backplate - judz dwedd
<LI>Knees - judz dwedd
<LI>Jet Pack - Bountys Hunted

<LI>Possible leads on MLC hard parts - Han Hunter

<LI>Shin tools (Darth Flan) - Rodann
<LI>Blaster - Spidey
<LI>Blaster (discounted to $125) - Hand-Schaub
<LI>Aluminum knee darts - Bobbywan
<LI>Aluminum shoulder bolts - Rodann

<LI>Painting services - animetronic

<font color="#568675">Offers of monetary donations:
<LI>Mandalorian Gunslinger
<LI>Tambo Fett
<LI>Jaster Blaster
<LI>Remo Locke

If I have left you off any of these lists, PLEASE contact me and I'll get you added.

Thanks for everyone's interest in ensuring that THE Fett will have his own suit! :)
Fetthunter I can also get an accurate girth but I am not that good at coloring it. I will do this if someone will volunteer to dye it from white to the right color.
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Has a definative decision been made if we are going with an ESB suit? If so, I won't be able to do the cape. If we opt for a RotJ suit, then I can donate a real one.
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BobaFettish wrote:

Has a definative decision been made if we are going with an ESB suit? If so, I won't be able to do the cape. If we opt for a RotJ suit, then I can donate a real one.

I don't think a decision has been made, though it was leaning towards ESB. I think he'd be thrilled with either version, to be honest. If we go ESB there are parts of the suit I'm not as much of an expert on as with the ROTJ suit, so I'll be asking alot of dumb questions. ;)
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I've added a few lists up at the top of this thread. I tried to list needed parts AND those who have pledged certain parts. I also list those wishing to donate money.

Please let me know what parts need to be added (I know I've forgotten something in my rush), and if you want to be added to one of the lists.

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For those of us that have pledged monetary donations. When are those donations going to be collected and who will collect them? I am all for sending off the money right away if it will help.
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I'll set the tools aside, but there may be some question as to the accuracy of the FG shoulders. They have "3 sides", as opposed to the "rolled" style. If that's not good enough, I can roll a sheetmetal set.
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Appolo_50 wrote:

For those of us that have pledged monetary donations. When are those donations going to be collected and who will collect them? I am all for sending off the money right away if it will help.

Fortunately, time is on our side. We don't want to rush this project. We want to do it RIGHT. We haven't set up a person to collect the money yet, nor a person to collect and/or assemble the pieces. This will be one of the next steps. Once we know *that*, we can direct people on where to send parts or money to. Might be a good idea for us to have a dedicated PayPal account or something set up for this project...
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sith_camaro wrote:

Once I can finally get my head together, I could possibly make him the ammo belt. ;)

That would rock. We've got +/- 18 months to C3, which we'd kicked around as the "unveiling" date. Think that'd give you enough time? :)
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Hey, ya never know! Some people take a LONG time to make stuff! Just wanted to be sure! ;)
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I dont know if you guys already have someone to paint the armor, jet pack, blaster, and helmet, but I can offer my services for that. I have all of the proper paint codes for the parts and I have painted professionally for ten years. I wouldn't mind offering my services to paint for the project. Has anyone offered Shackman Chest Lights?

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asok wrote:

Have you setup the paypal account yet?

We've had no volunteers for that. I'd use mine, but I do alot of eBaying and it would be really hard to keep track of the money coming in/going out. :(

If someone could offer a "dedicated account", that would be great. :D
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