Ponte's Fettpride Jetpack Unveiled


Active Hunter
It's been an absolute privilege to have received what I consider to be the most accurate Boba pack on the market, made by none other than our talented Fettpride. This project has been something I've had to keep under wraps for quite some time, and with owning the first one he's ever built, there's been a substantial amount of pressure to do this beauty justice. The pack has been advertised over the summer via Chris' page, and the one pictured is indeed the same pack you are about to see. I'm still kicking myself for not creating a step-by-step photo log of every layer of paint-up for this pack, but as I told Chris...this thing needed a proper reveal when it was completely done.

This was a paint-up that almost never was, barely getting it finished in time for New York Comic Con. Most of my motivation was lost to even finish it (along with the rest of my revamped costume) with the death of a very dear friend of mine, in addition to other paint job obligations I had with numerous customers that took priority.

I told myself that if this was going to get done, it was going to get done RIGHT; this was going to be the end all be all pack for my Boba. Unlike my previous pack from another maker some 2 years ago, this sucker was going to include virtually every visible detail in regards to scuffs, scratches, and blemishes that I observed on the jetpack seen in both the AOSW/C4 exhibits, as well as the Special Edition promotional shots. I have to say, this thing is built like a tank. Chris did an awesome job with this fiberglass piece, and it was a real treat to have this already primed when it showed up. The dimensions on this were spot on, as all the proportions matched up identically on the C4 exhibit photos re sized in photoshop based off of one length of measurement of Fettpride's pack.

As I'm laying in bed with the flu in Maryland, I figured it'd be a good opportunity to upload these photos from a few weeks back. I'm extremely happy with how this turned out:


Here's a few comparison shots

You'll notice how my pack took a little chip-damage from side-walking a bus aisle:


Just noticed I had the cap turned the wrong way for the shoot...good thing Fettpride's are removable :)

Once I'm back home I'll be able to snag some photos of Fettpride's v. 4 Armor that I was fortunate enough to paint for my SE Boba.


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Really great piece and paint-up. Any insights into the weight of the JP? I'm just completing my 1.0 Fett, but already dreaming of my 2.0, and what upgrades I would invest in.

Regardless, awesome work on this, Ponte! Looking forward to hearing more about the JP from Chris!
It sucks seeing such a beautiful jetpack especially when it's pretty much the next to the last piece I need to complete my Fett. I'd be so proud to own anything near that.
I'm sorry about your friend and that you have the flu. It really sucks, hope things get better for you and it will start with that jetpack. [emoji12]
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