Superjedi's FP Premium ESB for Nighthawk5296

The master at work! Love these Superjedi paint-up threads! Everything is well described and backed up with great images and color list. I already suggested this, and I will repeat myself: why don't you do a new thread regarding Killstripes, The Making of, as there are always people asking about it.
Thanks, guys! Having fun with this one.

. . .I already suggested this, and I will repeat myself: why don't you do a new thread regarding Killstripes, The Making of, as there are always people asking about it.

You think that would be worth its own thread? I could put something together very similar to the last posts in
this thread and put it in the Prop Building Workshop forum I suppose. I'll see about that when I have another lazy day. :)

UPDATE: April 23, 2014

The dome is complete! (y)

I finished the areas between and above the killstripes. The positions of these little areas is
very dependent on the stripes. That's why I wait until I've gotten the stripes airbrushed on.
Here are a couple of different angles. With the curvature of the helmet it's difficult to get a
single shot that captures everything.


In the exhibit photos, this area of the helmet has taken a beating over the years! But by carefully viewing
ESB screencaps, you can make a determination as to what damage was present during filming, and what
came later from years of storage and manhandling.

A view from a slightly higher angle.


If you noticed, I've drilled the holes in the ear platforms to accept the bolts that are
already epoxied into the ear pieces. The next stage will involve measuring and cutting
the physical damage into the left cheek and the mandibles. After that I'll paint the
outer cheeks, then begin working the detail on the inner cheeks. Once the cheeks are
painted, the "Boba look" will really start to come together.
LOL, Jonny.
Thanks, guys!

UPDATE: April 25, 2014

Just a quick one tonight. Got the physical damage marked and carved out, and painted
the outer cheeks. I do these with a 1/2 inch flat brush. Couple coats of PRR Brunswick
Green and it's good to go!


Now that the outer cheeks are done, I'll work on all the cheek damage this weekend.
Almost time to get some red on this puppy!
UPDATE: April 26, 2014

Right cheek is done. I'm starting to see the world in gray and silver now. . . :lol:


Closer shot.


The damage in the outermost corner of the upper cheek is more closely associated with
the mandible damage, so I won't paint it until I reach that stage.

I'll start the left cheek after lunch today. I'm hoping to have enough time to finish
it up by this evening. If so, I should be able to lay down the red basecoat on the
mandibles/band/keyslot area tomorrow.
UPDATE #2: April 26, 2014

Left cheek complete! Took a bit longer since there's more damage on
this side than the other.


This is one of the sections where I use another custom mixed color. The damage
on the inner cheek uses the same gray/silver that appears everywhere else, except
for the little strip down the outer edge. Here it's a slightly greener gray. Like I've
mentioned in my other progress threads, I can't find anywhere else on the helmet
where this color is used, and I've looked at enough reference pics to show that it is
in fact a slightly different shade.

To get this tone, I take my dome/cheek gray and mix in some of the darker blue green
color from the rear panels. I add a few drops of the blue green at a time until it becomes
noticeably different in appearance.


It's pretty subtle, but it's just one of those fascinating little details of the ESB bucket! :)
Next up, masking off and airbrushing the base red for the mandibles.
UPDATE: April 27, 2014

Red! Finally, another color besides gray and silver! :lol:
Got the red airbrushed on late yesterday, and today I began the damage
by doing the keyslot area. . . so it's back to gray and silver after all. :(
Except now I can add the maroon! Yay!


This area will also get some of the pale contrasting gray once the rest of the
paint job is complete. Here's a closer look.


Next I'll begin working on the band above the keyslots.
UPDATE: April 30, 2014

Can't believe tomorrow is May 1st already. . . where is this year going?!

I began the damage on the band with the center portion. I usually divide the rear half of the band
into 3 sections: left, center, right. The left and right sections include the vertical parts behind the


I'll start work on the left side next.
Thanks, jbdubz. :)

UPDATE: May 3, 2014

It's the weekend again, so I'm hoping to get a good amount of work done today and tomorrow.
I finished the left section of the band, and I should be able to get started on the right section
this afternoon.


The appearance of this section will change a bit at the end of the project once I paint the
white "thumbprints." There's some white that's streaked back from the lower thumbprint
that will cover part of the silver. It is a translucent white, but it will tone down some of the
contrast between the silver and gray within this portion of the band.
So when you're topically painting, does it typically require more than one coat of the grey or silver? I'm still leaning towards layered for the rear panels and upper, but topical really seems to make sense on the band and mandibles.
I don't have issues with 1 layer of paint. Sometimes if I use a little to much thinner I'll need to go over an area twice.

Sent from my SCH-I545
Yeah, I generally get really good coverage with a single coat. If I'm doing a slightly
larger area and start to feather out the paint, then I might go back and reload the
brush and blend it in a bit.
UPDATE: May 4, 2014

Happy Star Wars Day! May the Fourth be with you all. :)

Wrapping up the weekend's work with the left half of the band above the visor area.


During the week I'll complete the right half, then it will be mandible time. After that I'll
have the ears and RF assembly to paint, and then begin putting everything together.
UPDATE: May 6, 2014

OK, got the right half of the band complete. Lots of tiny details here!


With the band complete, this leaves the main portions of the mandibles. I'll start on the left
side, and then the right. It seems I always do these helmets in the same order. . . just a
creature of habit I suppose. :)
UPDATE: May 9, 2014

Whew! Got the left mandible area done. :) This sets me up with plenty of time to work
on that crazy right mandible this weekend. That's another eye crosser!


This area, as well as the other red portions, will change very slightly in appearance
once the final weathering is applied. There's a rust/khaki spatter over the front parts of
the helmet that will give a very very subtle color shift after it's applied.

We're in the home stretch now. (y)
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