Survey about screen accurate gaunt switches


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As some of you know I'm working on a servo kit. It has been more difficult than I had anticipated, but I think I will eventually figure it out. One issue that may speed that up is the switches. I know the screen used switches were the alco mpe106d which are push on push off SPDT switches. My question to you are is would it be a big deal if the switch were the alco mpe106f? It looks exactly the same as the 106d, it's just a momentary on/off instead of the push on push off 106d.
Post your thoughts below and I will go with whatever the majority of you think is better.
So a 2 position instead of 3...I dont see that being an issue...I wouldnt be against having the wrong part number just really want the correct appearance
The switch looks exactly the same. The only difference is in the internal workings of the switch.
So that would mean you would have to hold the swtich down to make it go down and then hold it to make it go back up.rather than just hit the button and it goes down hit the other button and it goes back up.. correct? I wouldnt see it as a big deal.
No Lou, one witch would be an up and one would be a down. The way the accurate switch is you have an on a neutrel and an on from what I gathered when playing with it
Jc have you looked at the mpa106d its pretty close to the mpe106d in specs, thats what I ended up with and to me that looks good enough, just my thought as it looks the same and functions the same
Robo, I think that one too is a push on push off. The mpe106f is a momentRy on off, which means that when the switch is pushed down its on, when you let go its off. I still have a bit of work on this thing so it will be a while before I have any real updates on it.
Pretty sure what you have worked out is THE way to go for this...with the other switch you know what happens with the you saw with the setup I did for TK231. The switch stays on...this way you would have the look you want and functionality. Its more accurate then machining the found part being its the same part just different internal workings. I say you roll with what works and looks right. No one will ding you for that.
Robo, I think that one too is a push on push off. The mpe106f is a momentRy on off, which means that when the switch is pushed down its on, when you let go its off. I still have a bit of work on this thing so it will be a while before I have any real updates on it.

Ah so i was mostly right. Its just one button for up, and one for down...but they work like i thought, you need to hold it down to make it go down....i actually think this is better, and agree with F4R ...and do we even know that the part number is correct? I thought we just knew what it looked like and that part number matches the look of the correct switch, so, with that, id think either one would be correct, for visual accuracy sake....i think if we get so anal as that the item number has to match..maybe we should all start seeking help lol
I have another idea for the kit. When I get the parts I will try again.
I'm like light years from thinking electronics right now, but I do eventually want to add them. Sounds great to me. Are the servos remote or wired?
The problem with the push on/push off switches is that they try to run the servo past the necessary point. Meaning, instead of 90 degrees of travel, the servo will try to continue to run.

I know this because we tried to install a set of these on salamanderking's existing servo transmitter. My understanding is that his newer kits are programmable, but the point is that a momentary "hold to move" option assures that you will never be driving the servo past the intended position... and therefore not burning out the servo before its time.
I'm going to be using a microcontroller so the duration of the switch being pushed won't matter. I'm having issues with the programming code and the push on off switches, but when I get the parts I ordered and some new ideas I have, I may have a working prototype soon.
Voice activation is something I've been thinking about. I think it may work, but I need to get the rotation working the way I want it first.
DP, it's a possibility. I won't know anything for sure until I get the servo system the way I want it. Good news though, the fph2 light kit boards should be here right after the new year.
Ah, I thought maybe you had dropped the idea. I like the notion of voice activation because I do want a servo controlled rangefinder but I had not planned to buy gauntlets since my helmet will mainly just be for "standalone" display. Okay, I may occasionally wear it too. :P
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