Hello from Illinois!


New Hunter
I have been lurking here for about a week now and figured I would join up.

I am a married father of 2. My son is 4 and is consumed by Angry Birds Star Wars so a few months ago decided to introduce him to the real world of Star Wars LoL! I have learned from him that the Ewoks are Chewbacca's army and that Vader is Luke's real daddy, and that despite all of the evil Vader is still Anakin. The prequels have messed him up lol!

I work in a body shop painting cars and occasionally get to do some gel coat and fiberglass work on boats.
i collect and customize action figures mostly filling in characters that haven't been made...or won't be.

What brought me here? I have a few friends that Cosplay and the idea of having a bad *** Boba Fett costume would make them jealous as hell! Everything I looked at, every forum I visited had a link to this site, I had no idea that Boba Fett was as intricate as he is. I certainly have my work cut out for me. Hopefully I can contribute to this site as I proceed with my endeavor!
I live in lisle, used to manage the buffalo wild wings in warrenville. Now I manage the one in woodridge...small world. Let me know if I can be of any assistance.
Welcome 77kustoms, you can't go wrong here between the info and members you can find it all! You will have that Fett in due time, best of luck!
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