(WIP) Fubar's ESB Boba Fett


Active Hunter
I figured it was about time to start a WIP since I'm starting to do some actual work on it.

I've got most of my parts in hand now
CC GMH Helmet from ASOK Gauntlets.
boots and gloves from MOW.
Bootspikes from Mojo.
Flightsuit, vest, pouches and neckseal from Arkady.
Cape from Tk409.com
Braids from Woodman
Armor ordered from RKD
RF Light from JC27
Girthbelt from Sleepalot
Holster and Sidearm from KC7PR
Additional sidearm from Boba Phett
Sling and Ammobelt from 99CentTaco
Blaster from Sidewinder
Aluminum Knee and wrist darts from ???
Honeywell Microswitch that I probably won't use.
Shin tool found parts from Amazon or some photo shop.
I'm sure I'm forgetting something.

Major parts I still need
Jetpack. Trying to decide between a MOW and a Fett Seven. Feel free to convince me to get one or the other.
Chest Lights
What else?

Here is a cheesy test fitting of my soft parts. All the soft parts from Arkady fit like a glove.
Looking good. As for "MOW and a Fett Seven. Feel free to convince me to get one or the other."

I have a MOW now and a Fett 7 on the way soon. I will send you a PM review of the 2 side-by-side when I get it worked up.
Nice job on the boots, what did you use? And if you don't want that Honeywell switch, let me know. I can use it for the TF light kit.
Nice job on the boots, what did you use? And if you don't want that Honeywell switch, let me know. I can use it for the TF light kit.

I kind of followed Spideyfetts's old CA boot thread. http://www.thedentedhelmet.com/f20/ca-boots-weathering-13136/

I paid about $30 shipped for the two switches. I got them from onlinecomponents.com, but that site isn't coming up for me right now. Might just be a work firewall issue though. They don't quite fit in my CC GMH, need to file a few thousandths off the helmet or the switch. I'd like to keep one, but could send the other your way.

It sucks that I have a whole drawer full of similar switches at work, but none that were a match.
Me too, I have a huge cabinet with that kind of stuff and there are none in there. The 4 I bought came from the same site, but they changed their price the day after I bought them and they kept telling me I owed them more money until I sent them my invoice. Newark and mouser sell them and I think Newark is cheaper. It's hard to believe such a small switch runs $12.
Everything is looking great dude. Honesty, I'd weather those boots more since you're doing ESB. They look perfect for ROTJ, but ESB boots are nearly black.

Keep up the awesome work!!
Everything is looking great dude. Honesty, I'd weather those boots more since you're doing ESB. They look perfect for ROTJ, but ESB boots are nearly black.

Keep up the awesome work!!


I do plan on darkening them up quite a bit more, but personal preference is going to keep me from going as dark/black as I probably should.

Darkened them up quite a bit more. Still going to add just a bit more weathering.

Also reinforced some areas on my holster with JB weld. The first time I holstered the sidearm in it, it broke out a chunk of the bottom. :rolleyes Going to clean it up and hit it with some satin black. Need to dig through the wife's old purses to find a suitable strap for it.

I'm taking my gauntlets with me to work tomorrow. Should have time to get the clamshells reinforced with fiberglass and maybe get my hinges mounted.
Looks like your build is well on its way!

The boots look much better darker. I would get some really dark ash/soot (your fireplace if you have one would be a good place) and really go to down on the creases of the shoe. Also used motor oil (black) would be a good way to weather the soles and give them that "grimy" look.

As for the gauntlets, just like attaching armor there are multiple avenues that you can take. The piano hinge method has been popular ever since the Jango costume was made, but the accurate way of connecting the gauntlets is via industrial strength Velcro.

Hope this helps! :)
Why is it that everytime I have ever got spray paint on my clothes nothing would wash it out? But when I weather my flight suit with it, it all comes off in the first wash? :what:
Not much progress lately, between family stuff, a couple troops and working on my daughters Mandoween costume I haven't taken the time to do anything.

My RKD Armor showed up. Love it. RKD was a pleasure to buy from and even though I contacted much much later than some other armor makers I got the armor in hand before I even heard back from anyone else. It's thicker than I was expecting, just need to figure out how much of a return edge I want to leave on it and get to trimming. It's thick enough I don't think I'll have as much luck with the lexan scissors as I did on my TK.

Also ordered a NME props jetpack from Fett Seven. I'm thinking that was the last major piece I needed. Once I figure out the sequence I want to use I'll be ordering the chest lights from Fettronics.

Here is the obligatory what the hell have I got myself into shot.


I should be posting some actual progress pics any day now as I start the real work on this.
I have made some progress on this, just haven't been keeping up on the photos.

RKD armor trimmed up and a base silver layer put on.


I think I've got the boots where I am happy with them.


Helmet is all trimmed and polished and ready for paint.
EE-3 is ready for final assembly, greeblies and weathering.
Flightsuit is weathered.
Gaunts are fiberglassed, hinged and ready for paint and greebs.
Sidearm holster is cleaned up, reinforced where needed, painted with a rubberized undercoat, and has vacuum cleaner belt straps installed.

Lot of little progress, but still a long road to go. I still haven't been able to bring myself to get started on painting the helmet and armor.
Start with the smaller pieces of armor, the less detailed things....and then work your way up to the more difficult ones as you get the nerve to do so. :)
I think I'm happy with how this turned out.


I had to reinforce a few areas that cracked on me when I holstered the side arm. Did a little bit of sanding on it, primed it, and painted it with a rubberized undercoat. I used Chicago screws to connect the vacuum cleaner belt straps to it.

Not as good as the real thing, but good enough for me.
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