Shin Tools ESB paint trim colors?


I've been poking around looking at a lot of other people's shin tool paint-ups. Everywhere I've looked, people are using red on the wraparound stripe on the squeegee.
Maybe it's just me, but it looks sort of bronze-gold colored to me. Or did I miss that memo? :lol:

And is the knife/chemical stirrer handle more of that bronze-gold color too, or is that just reflection off of the knee armour?

Please help me! It's masked up, the airbrush compressor's on, and the spray booth is on...
It can also depend on the version you're doing. ROTJ has red, the Special Edition version has yellow, and (to me at least) the pic you provided makes the line look yellow for ESB. Feel free to correct me if I'm mistaken. I personally like red to avoid adding more yellow past the shoulder pads and knee pads.
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