Newb looking for advice


New Hunter
I am an absolute n00b when it comes to costume making. I have never created anything very complex outside of scavenging and creatively using odds and ends and cheap party city props for various costumes. That said, it's summer, I've got some free time, and a bit of ambition. I spent some time looking up various guides to making a wearable Boba Fett helmet, but a lot of them did not answer some key questions I had. Before I go any farther, the main question I have is:

Is there a beginners guide/article on this site? One that covers the various materials, tools, costs and skills needed to create a helmet?

I've found plenty of guides in various places, but as a costume making community, you guys know who the "big players" so to speak are, the experts, the guides that are guaranteed to be written by people who know what they are doing

Also as far as time and cost go, what are general numbers? Obviously the price could probably range from cheap to ridiculously expensive depending on how much work is being done, but as a general amount, how much can a quality helmet be made for? Same with time, I know that the more detail and quality, the more work, but in general, how often does a decent helmet usually take?

I'm sure I'll have more questions (that hopefully a good tutorial can answer for me), but these questions are necessary to decide if this venture is going to be doable in the long-run.

Thanks for any advice
Thanks for the link, a lot of useful information in it. I'd be lying if I said some of those numbers didn't surprises me, I'm guessing that even if I made the helmet from scratch with no pre-made kits or parts that it'd still run quite high.
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To make a LEGIT helmet your going to spend $$...handsdown. Time is money...materials are money, nothing is free no matter how you look at it. And if you could make a helmet, how accurate will it be...
A good helmet paint up can take months. Like Fett 4 Real said you're going to want to buy one of the accurate helmets. If you can't really afford that then you're going to have to make your own materials which will probably ( no offense if youre a master sculptor ) not look anywhere as professional as the helmets, armor, etc you can buy.

Raw helmet - around $200+
Good Paint job - around $450+
Good points there! I am a decent sculptor, and can say that without the hundreds of hours on this site, and hundreds of hours with painting helmets I would SERIOUSLY do NO justice to the boba helmet. There are so many little things even with the WOF Templates that just dont translate into a sculpt that are in a helmet cast that has lineage to the ILM helmet.
This definitely answered my question too, ha. Thanks for the link. About what I expected $wise, i'm focusing on my first helmet and want to do it right and legit.
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