Who will serve you? An important 501st vote.

maybe a revamp on the site...I personally think its over due. The site looks out dated and boring. Hopefully with a new sherrif they will liven it up. Put it on the map so to speak and people will use both resources to the fullest.

that was something wally and i really wanted to have happen over the past two years, but everyone that said they could, unfortunately, were unable to find the time. there were some really cool ideas that were floated around, with mocked up layouts and fonts. they looked really good, but nobody had the time.
I urge any active, 501st approved Bounty Hunters to contact Wally Contreras if you cannot log into the voting area. That would be because you're not registered with Wally as a detachment member for one reason or another. Thank you.
Remember 501st BH members, Just because your on the 501st detachment roster, Doesnt mean you can VOTE in the BHG elections, You STILL need a 501st forum account...LMK if you cannot see the hearing room and I will grant you access.

Bob and Bill are exactly the kind of leadership the BHG needs. They are energetic and enthusiastic, yet humble and thoughtful. They are not filled with pride or bravado and they see great value in our community as well as the 501st. Most importantly, they have a desire to serve. They are leaders in the truest sense of the word and it has been my privilege to work with both of them throughout the last decade and you, as BHG members would be very blessed to have them serving your community.

Thank you very much for your explanation Andrews!!!!!

If there are still BHG members who can't vote, please send me your TK-ID and your board name. I can get those to Wally who will be able to add you to the list so that you can log in and vote.

Thank you.
Still trying to get access...

- - - Updated - - -

I urge any active, 501st approved Bounty Hunters to contact Wally Contreras if you cannot log into the voting area. That would be because you're not registered with Wally as a detachment member for one reason or another. Thank you.

I did a search for that member on the 501st boards and was unable to find him by that spelling (pasted it so no fat finger here). Do you know his TK number?
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If there are still BHG members who can't vote, please send me your TK-ID and your board name. I can get those to Wally who will be able to add you to the list so that you can log in and vote.

Thank you.

I'll check today Lou (darth Vorhees) said he was gonna try and get wally to get me added...whats weird is I can get to the 501st sections on thebhg...but cant vote for the det stuff only my garrison and legion stuff came up.
I'll check today Lou (darth Vorhees) said he was gonna try and get wally to get me added...whats weird is I can get to the 501st sections on thebhg...but cant vote for the det stuff only my garrison and legion stuff came up.

I talked to Wally two nights ago and he told me that he got your access squared away. You should be fine to access the forums and the voting poll.

I did a search for that member on the 501st boards and was unable to find him by that spelling (pasted it so no fat finger here). Do you know his TK number?

He's the current Detachment Leader. Wally Contreras. His board name is Marvinrobot. His TK-ID is: BH-7242
I talked to Wally two nights ago and he told me that he got your access squared away. You should be fine to access the forums and the voting poll.
Yeh I can see the results from what looks like the old poll? However the link posted on thebhg site shows no access...I'll try again later today.
Not at all I can see past votes in elections I can get into the forum just fine. My Garrisons stuff comes up and I can see the Det vote results just cant get into that link or the Q&A link Fangs posted up
Okay, I know what the problem is. Redboy3384 can get you the correct access. He has to add you to the special hearing forums. What's your TKID? Either post it here and I can get it to him or you can send it to him yourself.
My Rav Bralor is 501st approved, but I have never seen anything about any detachments and that link doesnt work.... Sorry its not something I am very familiar with

My ID is TK/BH7334
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