I need a jet pack rocket end cone...


New Hunter
Has anyone used a found part for the jet pack end cone on the rocket? I've been scratch building the jet pack and I'm just tired of scratch building stuff. lol. The rest of the JP body came out alright, save more sanding that I have to do... but the rocket isn't so great. Any ideas would be sweet. The more "accurate" the better of course. =) thanks!
Well you can do it without a lathe as I did mine



I did scratch the entire pack but came up with a way of doing cones without a lathe ...

goes something like this ....get a flat card profile from W.O.F.'s excellent plans ,then, make a stand ... this ,put simply , is a box...or tube a few random inches high ...say 4/5/6ish (like my exactness ;)..)...next ,take a piece of thin wood or plastic ... just so long as you can cut it easily and it is rigid... and maybe glues to the stand .
Next ,cut a hole in this ... make it NEAT and ROUND so use a hole saw if its wood or like I did use a circle cutter from an art shop ... these are for card and paper BUT ... if you are familiar with a lathe tool and how it cuts you will see the blade is the same shape when used backwards ..

To be clear ... get a circle cutter and use it on 1mm/2mm plastic ...BACKWARDS!....do multiple passes on a quarter first ...say 6/7/8 ish ... then move on to the next quarter of the cut (I need to do a photo shoot of this in future )... soon you will see the reverse going white where the cut is ... keep going ... it will break through !
There ya go , perfect easy circle cut !

glue this as the top to the box tube thing .. you now have a JIG.

If you cant visualise what I mean , the item / jig you need to produce is very like an EAR LIGHT CAGE from a DALEK


top left of shot :)
It can be any height you want ... more than 3/4 inches is best ...doesnt need to be much more ...and the hole you cut can be approx 4/5 cm or there abouts .

Now , get some waste backing paper from vinyl sign material.. you know , the bit youd normally chuck away from stickers or graphics .
make a cone in your hand with this paper , shiny side INWARDS (this will be your mould )...sit it in the hole in the jig and hold the paper from uncurling with a small amount of SCOTCH tape ...
now fit your card profile in the funnel and adjust to fit while keeping it round .when youre happy put a small bit of tape on the loose edge of the backer paper INSIDE the funnel to flatten it against the wall of the cone.
With the profile IN , carefully mark with a pen a few mm above and below where the profile finishes so youll have some cone to play with ... if its the nose cone you only have the one end to worry about but you can produce cones for all tapering bits of Fetts missile like this .

Next , get rondo 'ing !... mix car filler with resin to a smooth ,thick liquid that doesnt run to fast ... or slow !..then add the hardener . with a small strip of plastic (I find a kids glue spreader works well)work the rondo into the cone while it sits in the jig (the cone controls the size and shape of the piece while the jig just keeps it round!)
Just take your time , build up a good thickness ... say about 4mm or so ... then let it harden .
If there are any thin spots when you de mould it you can put tape over the area and apply more normal filler inside to strengthen .

You should now have a good , smooth cone with only one seamline to deal with from the edge of the paper in the mould !...the use of rondo (resin and filler ) should reduce any major air bubbles so there isnt usually much clean up of the part!.

The 'original' part is probably a cone from E.M.A or somewhere like it .

Home page

but itll take a while to get and cost a whole lot more .

Hope you stayed awake thru my explanations and I was of some use :)


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sorry for the delayed reply but...

WOW that was a thought out and descriptive answer! Thanks for putting that kind of time into it, really.
Beat the pair of ya for laziness!...mines been inbuild since the 90's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
I re-did my new jet pack a couple of years back from WOF's excellent plans .(as pictured)..do intend to post some pics sometime ... just happened across your request first !
Ive never had the money to get the bits of the suit I cant do myself .... mainly the cloth , so Ive ended up building guns and droids mainly, usually coming up with weird solutions to probs like the rocket without a lathe routine along the way ;)

I do mean to put this up on a techniques thread with pics sometime too ... did you get the idea clearly without pics from my waffle?

Hope it sparked something for ya !

And I like the use of the martini plastic glass too ... I picked up some acrylic pilsner glasses for the thrusters after carrying a card profile around for a year or so and trying it in every conical container going ... getting funny looks and nearly banned from Tescos !.....again!
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