Range Finder Electrics RC help

Hey all,

I was looking for a thread on the board about servos for the RF,but cant seem to find one. Ive been looking into making one for my bucket, but cant seem to find the right path :confused. If anyone has any info on how to make or one get one made please let me know. all info would be GR8
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OK, I'm waiting for a couple of things to happen, but I hope to soon have something to share. I want to have a moving RF but don't have the skills to do it myself so I have commissioned a small electronics company to develop one to my order. initially I figured I'd just order it as a one off, but it turns out the price they can do it for is pretty good.

Like I say, I'm waiting for a couple of things, namely a prototype to test and show you guys, but the company has said they'll be able to mass produce 2 versions. a hardwired unit where you activate the RF servo by pressing a momentary switch (like the ones on your gaunt, so it can be wired to the gaunt quite easily), or a remote control unit where there are no wires and it's controlled by a key fob transmitter, like you car alarm.

Once I've got the prototype I'll post pics/a movie and start an interest thread, but it's gonna be pretty exciting, and well priced!

Watch this space.

If you like, we have a servo RC solution already available!


The servo controller board automatically raises and lowers the rangefinder using any off-the-shelf servo. It is custom designed and built by us. The controller board also sequences 2 red LEDs once the rangefinder is in the down position. We also have custom sound boards to do the ambient rangefinder sound, and even a full blown Fett voice changer.

We sell low-profile servos, the servo controller board, and even a complete package w/ the radio and keyfob. We used to sell a voice activation board too, but it has been discontinued.

If you want to save a little dough, you can also buy the radio board online and hook it up yourself to our servo controller. It's pretty easy.

Check out the movies on the site too!
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