Range Finder Electrics RC help


Active Hunter

im painting my DP helmet and rember seeing last year a member made a radio controlled ranger finder which moved up and down when a button was pressed

I also would like to do one can any one help?


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WebChief, you seek WebChief. He has one in his helmet that is controlled by a button on his gaunt. Im pretty sure you can get a motor and control from Cyberdine Studios.
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Here is the link you're looking for:


I'm getting one installed next week myself. You'll need the servo, controller board and the RF transmitter, which can be housed in your gauntlet.

Contact them for more details. Tell them Eric sent you...
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I've got one of these from Hyperdyne also. It didn't work when I recieved it. I sent it back and it was returned good as new in about a week or so. I was very satified with the service I recieved. It's working great now. I got a reply to every email I sent :) (which was a lot). I'm also having hyperdine do some sound effects and possably a smoking jet pack in the works as well. I definatly recommend this site.
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The only hard part was figuing out wich adapter to use with the aluminum stalk. I ended up cutting small "grooves" at the base of the stalk with a dremel cutting wheel so the adapter would "plug" in, and then apoxy it in place. I've test fit it, but it's not installed in the helmet because the helmet still needs painted. It was all wired up when I got it. I went with the RF controller and it's sweet.

The only thing I would do is ask for the red LED's. The ones the came with it are clear, but light up red. I will replace with red that light up red.
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Hi guys
I just bought my helmet and it has a motorized rangefinder. The person who built it used a motor from a remote control
PT Cruiser. It is attached to a three way switch (forward/off/backward) and a 9 volt battery. It works very well. Hope this helps someone.
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does it come with detailed instructions? im not the best with electronics..and how much is the whole kit? any help would be apreciated.. thank you...

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hi guys

Ive got some RC servos and other bits from maplin.co.uk this morning but i want to add a RC button of some sort so when its pressed it will activate the rangefinder to move down and up when am finished with it

As im pants when it comes too electrical stuff can anyone recomend a parts(s) that i need




i think mine ran around 200, it was a little bit more since i got the voice activated add on to it. I think its just over a hundred or so, but youll have to email Jim from hyperdyne for a correct quote. My servo burnt out too, but it was the wrong one. I got a new one now, putting that one in tomorrow. Its the best way i think of doing it. I ran two momentary switches down to my gauntlet. You can setup up for one touch and the finder goes down, or you can press and hold it down till it goes down, same way for going up.
Does anyone have pics of how this all looks installed? I am pretty clueless on this type of stuff and pics always help. I am also wondering, how is it exactly that the rangfinder moves- I mean, what is it connected to that moves it? Is there something that you install in the stalk itself, like an arm that moves it at it's base??
The servo motor screws in on the inside of the helmet and the gear goes through a hole where the pivot point it. Then you have an adaptor that you have to fit in the stalk. Then that fits onto the servo gear and screws in. I will try to post pics of my set up soon.
As for the remote comtrol,the one I got is a key chain type like for locking and unlocking your car. It has a rope band on it and I put that around my wrist, put the control part in my palm, then put my glove on. Then all I have to do is push a button and the RF goes down, push it again and it goes up. You can do it without anyone knowing,plus you don't have to modify anything to hide it.
hi all

below is some pics off my parts, the total cost of the RC servo and parts so far is about $55 in total

Its all plug and play and dose not require soldering at all

here some pics
Servo Controller, just turn it on and use the wheel on it to control the movement of the servo up or down

the servo

Servo leed, come in 200mm to 1m lengths

AA battery holder and connector, I'm using the middle one

just now need to get the other parts that couldn't be sent to me due to them having run out at the time i ordered

heres a movie link to a friend who's helped me with mine and has installed it in his helmet.www.vaderuk.com/boba.mpg

Jim from hyperdyne emailed me over the weekend and gave me this link to a wireless RF kit hope it helps

Ive also put my lights in the stalk also....and dulled down my red areas of my helmet and got my alu armour, pics coming soon




Here's some pictures of the inside of my helmet.
1st one is and overview of the inside


Here is the servo


Here's the RC board


and the remote control

Whoa . . . that's some serious firepower in that bucket there!

I don't even think my computer has that much wiring and battery power in it! :)

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