New and Excited!


Active Hunter
Hello, all! My name is Ryan.

I've been a member here for awhile, but I haven't posted much, and I don't even check the site much, since everything is soooo tempting. I've been out of this game for so long, but I want to get started again.

In the past, I've modified several of the older Don Post PU helmets (including my prized first run white interior DP). I had most of the set of armor from Richie's Armor (yes, it's been years - is he still around?), I had a seamstress make an armor vest and piece together two Dickies grey jumpsuits to make the undersuit, guantlets by BYOBF and I still have a Wookie Cantina ROTJ armor belt. Plus some great gloves, though I forget where I got them. I know that all of those items pale in comparison to the work being done around here.

I'm interested in getting started again, but I need help. Of course, I want to start with the helmet, but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to go about it. It seems to me that the FP helmet is the best available. Is this true? Seriously, the acronyms are a little confusing, and I was hoping for a 'How to Get Started' thread, but I haven't been able to find one. Any/all help is appreciated.

I am a major Boba Fett fan for the last 25 years or so, and I don't need to be treated with kid gloves, as I'm pretty well-informed about the various incarnations of the suit.

As incentive for help, I'd like to show some of my 1/6 scale Boba Fett photography (I've noticed that RaAlvarez has been using one of my older photos for his avatar lol!):













Ryan- welcome back! I'm new here as well and just finished my 1st paint job on a DP 96 lid. The family here on the forum has been an invaluable resource and support group. I have purchased a fair bit from Asok and I believe the helmet he offers is an FP mold. He make quality stuff and is a pleasure to deal with, very knowledgable. As for paint, I started with Rafalfett's stencil's although there are a few others to choose from as well. In my opinion, his are the most accurate and he covers most if not all variations. Then I decided on a layered paint job as I felt it was more authentic but there are a ton of talented painters both layered and topical. Look around and don't hesitate to ask questions! Good luck Bro!
Hi Ryan.
Like your self I have been a member for a while and was also out of it for a time, but like your self I am back too, looking to finally to complete my Fett once and for all:confused
They are seriously an awesome toy, the detail is great... And I imagine the cost of them to match.
Thanks for the responses. I'm very much looking forward to getting this thing going.

First question: How do I go about acquiring a helmet? I was on the FP site last night, but was having problems with it - several pages on the site weren't loading.

I'm seeing that helmets may or may not be readily available, depending on whether or not prepaid runs still open or not.

Is there anyone who makes them to order? Or will I have to wait for a list to open up?

Thanks in advance.
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