A femme fett in the making

Lol, it's so funny to see the hormones hit the table with the tongues, lower jaws, and slobber. You might need a raincoat. Good luck with the build. Guess you'll have plenty of help. ;)

Haha. I feel like anything I would say back to this would have to later be edited for content. So I'm gonna stay out of trouble and simply start with...
*Edited* :D

Welcome to the mad-house Katie... :thumbsup:
look forward to seeing your progress.

Thx! I hope to do the costume justice.

Hormones my a$$ just being friendly im married with a kid stay your tongue unless you have valid proof

I personally took it for nothing more :)
good luck Kat, im just starting my build ... ive got all the armour and helmet on their way. i hope we both have lots of fun and learn oodles about our builds! I have already had plenty of set backs and am currently on plan c at the moment..... its a very strange hobby me thinks but soo addictive! Enjoy! :)
Hope it was taken in jest that I stated it with. If not, no edits here. Living with no regrets, just havin fun and enjoying life to the fullest.

Feel free to send any PMs about the raincoat as needed. :cheers. I'm a married man as well...

There are no needs to let words rule. Actions rule! Carry on with actions and let's see the build. ;)
I'm betting it will be good. See you at CVI
Hey girl, I meant to thank you earlier for the links you posted previously. They have proven to be very helpful:thumbsup:

B-but... I'm a boy. D: No sweat though, I've seen enough girls asking for tips that I just collected them, it's the girl chestpiece problem pack. ;)
I'm rolling on the floor laughing. It's going to be a fun thread, as it has started off so superior. :D
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Good luck to the Femme-Fett build. The guys here certainly know their stuff, so you've come to the right place!

Cant wait to see pix of your progress.
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