Boba Fett ROTJ Helmet Stencils


Well-Known Hunter
Finally (for the ROTJ Boba fanatics) I started to do the ROTJ helmet stencils, but so far I did the Red Face with the Rear Keyhole and the Back Plate parts. I hope I will finish this in no time so you (the ROTJ Boba fanatic) can do your helmet with more ease.

Update 07-06-2011
Finished the Cheeks and the Dome stencils.

Update 27-06-2011
Added the color separation for the Red Face & Keyhole, Back Plates and Cheeks.
Finished the Dome files too.

Update 25-03-2012
Added archived separation files in JPG format for those who want to edit or alter the stencil's dimensions.

Update 13-10-2013
All the stencils were removed and replaced with a better version (the v2) which still uses the old scheme but was tweaked and re-sized to fit the more accurate RWH v2 templates and possibly all the close-to-screen-accurate helmets; most of the base colors were changed to a (I hope) better representation of the original helmet. The tweaking includes the problematic back plates and the cheeks, so most of the parts were more or less modified to fit the new templates. The dome area was stretched to fit the wider dome circumference (the first template was a bit smaller). On some areas (the back plates, the front right mandible and the dome) I added paint misting, a feature that was missing on the first stencils.

Red Face and Rear Keyhole
ROTJ Red Face & Keyhole.jpg

Color Separation
View attachment Red Face & Keyhole A4.pdf
View attachment Red Face & Keyhole LTR.pdf

Back Plates
ROTJ Back Plates.jpg

Color Separation
View attachment Back Plates A4.pdf
View attachment Back Plates LTR.pdf

ROTJ Cheeks.jpg

Color Separation
View attachment Cheeks A4.pdf
View attachment Cheeks LTR.pdf

ROTJ Dome.jpg

Color Separation
View attachment Dome A4.pdf
View attachment Dome LTR.pdf

And as I did with the other stencils, here is the Dome Top Area and the Helmet Perspective View to help you fit all the scratches on your helmet. Remember, these are not written in stone and always use the reference images from the TDH Gallery.

Dome Top Area
ROTJ Dome Top.jpg

Helmet Perspective View
ROTJ Helmet Assembly.jpg

And the old file, just to show you the differences
Helmet Assembly.jpg

Have fun!

Helmet Assembly.jpg

ROTJ Red Face & Keyhole.jpg

ROTJ Back Plates.jpg

ROTJ Cheeks.jpg

ROTJ Dome.jpg

ROTJ Dome Top.jpg

ROTJ Helmet Assembly.jpg
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Added the stencils for the Cheeks to the first post. It was almost the most complex stencils done so far (next to the PP2 dome) and it looks amazing.
I've seen you're doing the "original" helmet as it was at the Heilmann pics (screen accurate) instead of how it's actually, that's perfect! Well done as always Rafal :thumbsup:
Dude you have done future generations proud , nice work I hope you added a few sneak R-F's in each set of templates then every one who uses them will have RF on there helmet
Great work bro but I do have just one question do you ever sleep cause you are just a machine turning out these stencils.

Thanks! I sleep as much as all human being do. But being a machine... Maybe I'm some kind of a Terminator.

I've seen you're doing the "original" helmet as it was at the Heilmann pics (screen accurate) instead of how it's actually, that's perfect! Well done as always Rafal :thumbsup:

That was my goal. Some areas are hard to read because of the dark Heilmann shots but with the on set and promotional pre-damaged images is easier to see all the details.

Thanks so much.
I'll be using these on my GMH.

You're welcome! With you skills I know this will be a perfect hit.

Dude you have done future generations proud , nice work I hope you added a few sneak R-F's in each set of templates then every one who uses them will have RF on there helmet

Thanks, James! No, there's no RF's in the stencils. But when someone will use these stencils, subconsciously will imprint RF on the helmet.

Wow u sir are a machine...just a note the grey isnt just grey its misted grey not in one solid mist either

Thanks, F4R! I'm not a paint expert, but if I do the stencil in a way to replicate the grey mist then I'm sure there will be lot of confused people.
you are awesome raf - just finished my ESB stormtrooper lid, and was thinking about a ROTJ boba lid for my next project - this could really give me at a nice starting point. Youre a true gentleman :)
you are awesome raf - just finished my ESB stormtrooper lid, and was thinking about a ROTJ boba lid for my next project - this could really give me at a nice starting point. Youre a true gentleman :)

Thanks a lot, Jayvee! I hope in one week to finish the dome stencil and then the color separation.
I probably said it kinda bluntly which may have gave the impression it was directed at you? Good stuff though...I like it, will deffinately help
I know that your intentions are good and constructive so I didn't take it too hard in the first place. But sometimes it's easy to misunderstand someone if you read too fast.
Thanks for all your hard work! I'm looking forward to painting my new GMH in this scheme. I've painted several ESB helmets in the past, but never ROTJ, so this will help immensely!
Thanks for all your hard work! I'm looking forward to painting my new GMH in this scheme. I've painted several ESB helmets in the past, but never ROTJ, so this will help immensely!

Thanks for the kind words! The dome will be ready in a few days and I can say from now that this will make a hell with your lifes.
Wow! ROTJ is one of the few helmets I have not painted yet, and eventually I hope to complete my Boba collection with a nice version of this one.
I will definitely refer to your amazing templates when I reach that point!

Let me be the first to ask for this to become a STICKY THREAD!!!!
Wow! ROTJ is one of the few helmets I have not painted yet, and eventually I hope to complete my Boba collection with a nice version of this one.
I will definitely refer to your amazing templates when I reach that point!

Let me be the first to ask for this to become a STICKY THREAD!!!!

Wow! Thank you for the kind word, superjedi! This thread won't be a sticky... I think this will be added to the following thread All Boba Fett Helmet Stencils And Templates compiled by Rich D.
Finally, the dome is done! The firts post is updated with the Dome stencil.
I think I got the stencil sickness from this work... This is the most elaborate work from all the stencils I made and is the most beautiful (altough I'm not a ROTJ fan).
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