Darth Error corset WIP


Jr Hunter

step one ... find a random pile of junk that looks awful but has potential to look real cool if you squint hard enough and pour lemon juice in your eyes...


^now there is a sexy pile of junk!

and here is what we do with this garbage ...

..first i took this corset that was really not much of a corset , i mean it had the tie up back but the flesh did not show through and in the front there was an annoying set of bra clasps , about four hundred in total .... it is not sexy when your girl is standing there un tethering herself from four hundred bra clasps .. you want to see her struggle out of something thats tied on like the jaws of life !


so lets cut that thing off and move on


much less retarded!

Now were gonna flip this guy over and .. well your pall error does not use sewing pins she just takes a million sewing needles to hold the fabric in place instead ... and a gorilla paw rapist glove to push that needle trough thick spots of fabric , who needs a thimble ! ... but yea what you wanna do "if you decided to use a cheap corset" is stitch that whole area with the bra clasps down and away ..we do not need these


next ... you should be finished stitching down them bra clasps and bleeding tremendously now you have to start laying down your vader patterns that you gut off that horrendous thing ... the thing intended for who knows what .. it was too awful to wear in its former state... so here you lay it down using the same pin down technique and as you stitch remove the pins



^ that is where i first left off , leaving my pattern pinned onto the corset.

once i finished stitching everything in place this was the finished product








def. a cool idea to make for a wife or a girlfriend ;-> let me know if any of you have questions
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haha thanks , yea no reason to throw away stuff that can be salvaged and made into somethin cool ;> especially if you can have some fun making it
lol i wish ... but ill be stuck just makin stuff like this for myself .. there is all that copyright infringement in the way!
I dunno....I'd risk it. Just like the costume rental/sales that rename their characters with those cheesy names: Stormtrooper=Star Trooper, Darth Vader=Dark Lord, Boba Fett=Galactic Bounty Hunter. There's also the old saying, "It's better to ask for forgiveness than it is for permission!"

Look on the bright side, you would receive a 'Cease-and-Dissist" letter from Lucas Films, LTD Legal Dept. that you could frame! LOL!!!

Just sayin' :lol:
Looks great! Sith eyes would really set it off. Wearing that next to a Vader would be an awesome pic. What are the stockings / boots made of?
those are liquid latex leggings ... and yes i would probably do much cooler makeup if i were going to a convention , i wanna get my eyes checked before i put in contacts again i think i have been having trouble seeing ... good thing my natural eyes are already kinda freaky looking , i also have a bunch of hair so i would probably decorate it with perhaps cording and wires .. paint my fingernails cool ... throw on some crazy boots ;) thanks everyone for the suggestions .. i would love to get a photo with a vader !
it's sexy, that's for sure. but part of me thinks there should be some hard armor in this costume. like, across the boobs, and the chest box. after that, put on some 8-9 inch platforms heels and maybe a cape and you'll be ready to commit some dark side atrocities.
hahaha ! i wanted to keep this corset something i can also wear out with some jeans on a regular basis and get away with not being too much of a weirdo , it would be great to make extra things to add to it in case i wanna wear it to conventions :>
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