ROTJ Pack for Army paint by slave1pilot


Well-Known Hunter
This is going to be a WIP paint-up of a MOW pack for Army.ROTJ (obviously).
It is not a tutorial and I will not be listing the colors used.
Sorry guys, but this is how I make extra cash and I don't want to shoot myself in the foot.
you'll notice that the new pack has removable top tank caps. Nice touch.
I did the white and red so far
still need to do the lower tank caps.



Looking good. I should have left my tank caps off before I started painting but I had a brain fart and glued them on before the primer went on:facepalm :lol:
I did some more painting today,
I still need to remove all of the masking fluid and do the symbols.
Plus, there is also more weathering of course.







Feel free to post opinions.
Awesome as ever nate. You make it look easy bro. How long of a process is it, from unboxing to final clear coat?
Awesome as ever nate. You make it look easy bro. How long of a process is it, from unboxing to final clear coat?
Thank you, that's quite a compliment since it isn't easy at all.;)
I don't do a clear coat. If I cleared it, I would have to use either gloss or matte. The matte would detract from the silver and the gloss is just wrong LOL.
I've never timed it to see how long it takes.
The prep work depends on the pack maker as each maker has different seams etc. After it's sanded, You must wash it with nearly hot soapy water and rubbing it down with acetone wouldn't be a bad idea either. But be careful not to use to much or round off details.Then I primer everything and let that dry overnight.
The silver base is done after the primer has cured and I let that dry at least 3-4 days. Silver seems to take a while to fully "de-gas"
Each color is a different days work. I have to mask the areas of damage and tape off the rest of the pack every time i change colors, removing the tape between each color so it doesn't get too tacky and pull up the previous work.
BTW- each "color" isn't just one single color out of the bottle, some "colors" are actually up to 5 different layers (not counting the silver or primer)

And here i said this wasn't a tutorial:lol:

Please excuse the horrible lighting. I took this in the garage under *shudder* florescent lights.



I'll try and shoot some in the daylight tomorrow before I pack it up to ship.
Nice paint job... even though I'm an ESB guy! I have been curious as to what order the paint goes on in a ROTJ pack. I see that you do the rocket/ tank flange/ lower rocket part/ tank caps seperately. I'm doing that with my new MOW pack/ (ESB of course!)
Nat **** brother you got this done at break neck speed can't wait to see it in person. Thanks again brother.

i took some more pics in the sun.
Sorry, they are with my phone so they aren't much better, but you can see how the colors actually look.





Nice paint job... even though I'm an ESB guy! I have been curious as to what order the paint goes on in a ROTJ pack. I see that you do the rocket/ tank flange/ lower rocket part/ tank caps seperately. I'm doing that with my new MOW pack/ (ESB of course!)

Here's how I usually do it, but not always LOL.
White on JP body
Red on JP body
The Black stripes get done after the base color is painted for the area that they are on., not all at the same time.
Sometimes I do the "white" on the rocket and thrusters at the same time as the body, but not always
Same goes for the red on the rocket, sometimes but not always
I try to do everything that is the same color at the same time. Saves on airbrush clean-up and paint.
I know it isn't much paint, but at 5 bucks an ounce every little bit helps.
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