Upgrading old armor with BobaMaker, Full Boba Makeover

That is one wicked setup that you have going there looks great I cannot wait to be at the point that you are with my costume. Keep up the great work.
Well, here it is! Just got my bucket back from slave1pilot today, man am I impressed. He did such a great job touching up my MR helmet. Thanks again Nathan! Took some pics in my three season porch today. It is really really hot today and wow does Boba get sweaty:lol: Just have a few more things to tweak and it will be ready for trooping. Hope you guys like.








Your wearing it very well bud...I really cant wait to go home and get to put all my stuff Ive been buying over the last six months and suit up
Gonna buy a new visor and fix the pinch, its really driving me nuts. Also, going to post some before and after pics of my bucket, slave1pilot did a great job on touching it up and I want to show it off......more to come soon!
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