Neo Crusader WIP

Looking good. I'm looking forward more and more to the painting of these armor peaces. C'mon tuesday make your appearance so that he can get them done. Oh and hope you got my Happy Birthday message.
LOL.. actually, I will probably never wear these. I'm working out a deal with a buddy of mine who does vacforming. We're going to see about Vacforming sets out of styrene. If it's successful, we'll be selling complete sets or just componants. The plan is to keep them cost effective for people. We're not looking at selling sets for $800.00-$1,000.00. If we go into this venture, probably complete sets for less than 1/2 that.
Here's this mornings works done...
Primed and ready for wet sanding:

(Hopefully) last application of glazing putty:

Hoping to get some more done this afternoon after the glazing putty sets.
Use water with the sand paper or use a sanding sponge. helps get a smooth surface. And if you wet sand with 1500 or 2000 grit, it will be smooth as glass
Thanks for the compliments everyone.

Wel, I've gone as far as I can go with this kit.

Here are the pieces that were finished sanding and primed late this morning:

Here is the whole set wetsanded:

They are as smooth as a baby's bottom now. Aside from painting them, they are done. I'm waiting to hear from my buddy to see if these are going to be shipped off for vacforming to build an armor of Neo Crusader's for anyone that wants an affordable, well built, prefabbed kit!
Yup, that's what wet sanding is. I didn't use paper that fine. I used 500 grit. Considering when I sand to paint I usuallu use 150 grit, that's pretty smooth for me.
Alright, so I have gotten a few requests on other forums to post up some pix of the armor on before I sent it off to be vacformed. So, I through on a work uniform (not the undersuit that will be used) and my old Jaing Skirata Rohlan Dyre style helmet (not the helmet that will be used with the Neo) and taped the armor in place. Here's the results, let me know what you think (again, everythings just thrown on, it's not balanced, straight properly seated etc. so be nice!):




So now the set is boxed up, wrapped in bubble wrap and surrounded by styrofoam peanuts and is ready to shipp. I will likely get it off on Friday.
I'll continue updates with soft goods, weapons and the helmet as they come in. But, there won't be any armor updated for a bit.
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