
Active Hunter
hey guys, just a question mostly out of curiosity, and precaution as well, but i have a fiberglass BM lid, and i keep it in the shop that is not air conditioned by any means, and the weather is getting hotter and hotter as we go thru the summer...should this concern me, with having my new lid in the heat? at what temp should i start keeping that sucka inside? thanks! :cheers
I never had problems with my old BM helmet and heat...and there were times when it was in around 110F in the car. The only thing that ever gave me problems was the RF stalk warping a little, so if your keeping it in hot area I suggest taking the RF off.
Temperature-wise, FG is a lot more rugged than resin. A bigger concern might be how the heat/humidity affects your paints as they cure. Especially once you use a clear finish. If it's too hot out, a clear finish can cure with a slightly "dusty" texture. Or humidity can cause orange peeling all over your super nice paint job, and then you'll :cry for real!
I would recommend putting it indoors immediately after clear coating. Somewhere where it won't be disturbed till the clear coat dries. Just my "too scents." :)
I had tons of my armor out in my workshop during the summer and winter, and it was fine. Like others have said, fiberglass is pretty durable. The same type of stuff is used on cars, boats, small planes, etc. With that being said, I wouldn't keep it in the sun. It would probably mess up the paint job or possibly warp it.

excellent fellas! thanks a bunch...the shop is just where i do all my painting, its quiet, and secluded, so...i know what you mean about the paints, i can tell a difference when it gets too hot, so that is surely noted...and thanks for the heads up on the clear coat as well, sj...appreciate ya guys!
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