What RIT dye


Active Hunter
I know there have been numerous posts about RIT dye and the colors used and whatnot, but I wanted to know what everyone suggested for dyeing the Red Kap Postman Blue coveralls to a more screen accurate color.

I know it needs to be more purpleish, but I didn't know if anyone ventured down this road and what results they had with what color dyes.

I like to use the liquid version of RIT. wet the suit in clean water before you put it in the "dye water". The purple doesnt take very long to take hold. Just a few mintues in the dye should give you those purpleish tones. Wash it, dry it and check the color. I usually end up dying, washing,drying the suit a few times till I get the color I like.
Thanks Jango 5204

What do you dye it in? I thought about the washer technique with just a tad bit of purple rit dye, but will that set-in too long and make it too purple-ish?

I thought the Red Kap stuff was already as close as possible?
it is close with the grey-blue color shift, but it might be a tad too blue, so I wanted a tinge of purple to it... see attached pic

I use a sink in the laundry room and let it soak for a few minutes. I saw the suit. If it were me, and everyone has different opinions, I would hit it with maybe a 1/4 bottle of purple and maybe half denim blue 3- 5 minutes and start there. I usually stir around to make sure the dye gets in everywhere. I base my color off of the color found in the "dressing the galaxy" book. If it's too purple or too dark blue you can use some royal blue to tone down the purple, but dont soak it too long. The color will be strong at first and tone down as you wash and wear it. My avatar picture is pretty much right after I dyed the suit.

If you go to my profile, the close up with me and Darren wright is my 1st SGB blue suit. all the rest were my 2nd Ladysewforus suit that I dyed. You can see the purpleish tone in the outside picture.
Tony hi.I posted one back on 1-25-09 at 1:57 p.m. as JANGO JUMPSUIT PROGRESS.I think it was 4 pages back .But I have pictures of what my outfit looks like in and out of the sun after I dyed it RIT PURPLE.Hope this helps,Jeff
Cool, checked it out not too bad... how much purple did you use?

I think I might add a bit of the denim or royal blue too.

I used 1/4 of the bottle but,I waited for the water to fill up first then added the 1/4 of the bottle ,let it swish around for about a minute or two to mix it around thorough enough,then put in the jumpsuit that I already soaked down 1st! Then I let it go through 1 complete cycle.Be very careful if you machine dry it.SHRINKAGE!!!!!!.I air dried mine.Hope this helps.Jeff
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