ROTJ EMPEROR and VADER display progress! -updated 5-31-09 new pics post #24

Well you already know what I am going to say, "nobody, and I mean nobody beats Gino's props." Amazing!!!

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Awesome job, looks like the real deal. A most awesome display.
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Thanks so much you guys.

Here's a couple new pics. This time with the cane.



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my girlfriend likes all my other props, but that thing wouldn't fly. way to creepy. you got the likeness and posture perfectly, those hands couldn't be better

fabulous work


Here's a bunch more.
I think I'm finally starting to get the hang of photographing him.
Maybe not completely, but getting there. Some of them didn't turn out too bad.






Vader and his Emperor


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I took a couple more.
This is probably my favorite so far. I love the shadow my ROTJ Vader is casting on the wall next to him. One of those happy accidents.



I think you should pose Yoda in between the two holding their hands.

Seriously though, your attention to detail and talent are astounding! Very lifelike!
Hey Gino, if you can get some sort of blue diffused lighting I think it will show off your emperor to the best. Your Kelvin is too yellow :)
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