ROTJ EMPEROR and VADER display progress! -updated 5-31-09 new pics post #24


Active Hunter
Finally I'm able to show off some progress on my Emperor display.
While I was at it, I figured I might as well take a couple of Emp/Vader pics as well since they were always meant to stand side by side.

Here is how this went down.
- Monday I received the final Emperor robes that I've been working on/off for almost a year (it's hard with juggling so many projects you know).

- Yesterday, I received my Cyberman/Gino head casting in the mail.

- Last night, I trimmed the bust to fit my mannequin, and set off on re-proportioning the mannequin to Ian McDiarmid specs.

- Today, took these pics.

- Early next week, I should have my Emperor hands (they'll be unpainted).

I plan to create a step by step thread on finishing the bust on SWP just like I did with the Darth Maul for anyone interested in seeing it.
Whenever I hit a major update, I'll of course keep you posted.

Let me know what you think.





You don't know how long I've waited to take a pic like this.



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Jeezy Creezy!!!!!!!!!!! They both look like the real deal!!!!!!!!!! I mean seriously...If I didn't know better, i'd say they were the real thing!!!!
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Thanks you guys.
I'm just about finished painting up the head (I think).
I might see it in pics and think it looks like garbage.
I'll be posting some update pics soon.

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Here are some pics of the painted head.
Right now, I'm kind of sucking at photographing it. There's only one pic in the bunch that really sort of looks like it does in person. Most of the other pics washed out all the color making him look almost white. The hands were cast in a natural flesh color, but they also keep getting washed out all white.
I definitely need to play around with the lighting some more so that I can get the photos up to speed.

I (think) I'm satisfied with the paint job, although I've done a ****** job of showing it off. I need to stare at it for awhile to be sure.
The glass eyes are just stand-ins for now.

I might try to take some better ones so that you can see the paint work, but also so that the display pics turn out better.

Next thing will be to get the hands painted. I hate using PAX.



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I may be interpreting it wrong but, I LOVE that you made the bust look like the actual prosthetic and not how his head would look "in-universe".
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I took some new pics in my ongoing effort to learn how to properly photograph him. Still not 100% satisfied with the lighting or the photos, but getting closer I think.

I still have to make new eyes, add eyelashes, and of course paint the hands.
Probably going to look into getting a wig for him as well. I think it will have a slight effect on the way the hood drapes over the head due to the hair filling it out a bit in the back.

Let me know what you think.




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Yep, custom made robes by me and my seamstress.

Sorry for the long delay in updating this thread.
I'm getting pretty close to completing this Emperor display.
The only things left are making new eyes, and possibly adding hair to the back of his head.

For this update, I've finished the hands, given the head/hands a misting of matte finish, and added eyelashes.

I decided to paint the hands in the same style as the bust, just like they appeared on Ian McDiarmid as he was on set. The latex and make up work on his hands was only on the backside so I painted mine accordingly.

The misting of the matte finish made a pretty big difference to the head and hands. It greatly reduced the washing out of the face in the pics.

And just like my Darth Maul bust, I painstakingly added in eyelashes.
Yes, even the Emperor has eyelashes.
It was totally necessary for a realistic look in person.
In pics, you almost can't even see them, but they do add a certain shade to the upper and lower eyelids that you wouldn't get otherwise.
Hand gluing eyelashes on a resin bust is a total pain.

So here are some pics of the painted pieces as well as some of the display.
The pics of the individual pieces turned out great, however the full size display shots are still suffering from lighting issues.
It is interesting to see just how much the colors differ depending on the lighting. Some look more pale, while others look more fleshy colored.
I'm going to try to take some more pics tonight and do some more experimenting.

Let me know what you think.

Here's a screen grab of the Emperor's hand from ROTJ for reference.












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