Seen STAR TREK yet?

I believe that oneone was talking about his movie track record so far. Obviously he is going to have to do more masterpieces like this Star Trek movie to be considered the next Spielberg. His age is irrelevant, it will be the volume of quality work that will speak for J.J., no matter what age he is when his work is done.

I hear what you're saying and I understand what you mean, but from a film history point of view I would have to disagree. Age has a lot to do with the Spielberg aura. If you want to start comparing someone to Spielberg you cannot ignore that part of what makes Spielberg "Spielberg" was that he was a "wunderkind." He did not start his career spending ten years working his way up as a screenwriter. He was a director from his very first job, and by his mid-twenties put Hollywood on its ear and helped to invent (along with his buddy Lucas) the current Hollywood paradigm of a "blockbuster" movie and the whole opening weekend box office obsession. He has spent his career creating and starting film franchises, not adding to them. No offense to J.J. but he is not reinventing anything but an existing film franchise (from the reviews apparently doing it really well) but he is hardly a new cinematic voice or someone who will re-invent Hollywood in the manner of Spielberg. Really, it's impossible to make such statements anyway. Was Beethoven the new Mozart? Not even close. Their careers and legacies were very different. Was he as good? In many ways, yes, but not so in many other ways. Okay, I am making a mountain out of a mole hill, but I thought it would be interesting to discuss.(y) Maybe J.J. will be the next David Lean. :confused
It was OK. I'm not a big fan of the whole reboot thing...I think it's been over done and a good example of lack-of-creativity in today's movie industry. Why not hit us with some new franchise or ideas for once. If reboot is all they're going to do, then build an Enterprise E and put a new crew in it.

been overdone? lol... I think it is interesting when they visit old franchises with modern cinematic stuff. Then again, I can appreciate a movie for what it is worth instead of picking everything I don't like about it out, I look at what I do like. I can be the first to tell you, I don't know anything about star trek, don't follow it, but this movie was very well done... It was a good "reboot" and I enjoyed watching it. lack of creativity? You mean to say no creativity went into designing the new transformers? or the wicked awesome Romulan (spelling?) ship?

Just appreciate it man... You know it was called Star Trek before you watched it... if it being a "reboot" is the only reason you don't like it... then I am sorry. That's like saying "I won't drive it becase it is a Ford... no real reason, I just hate all Fords" haha...

Live long and prosper ha

unfortunately, reading or hearing the words "A Film By Stephen Spielberg" doesn't have an effect on me anymore.

He's lost what makes his movies feel Spielberg. Watch ANYTHING he has made in the last 10 years then go back and watch Close Encounters, Jaws, or even Poltergeist for that matter (yes, he had more influence in directing that than you think). It might be mostly in the editing, but his stuff just doesn't have that special tone anymore.
all of you that liked it should be BANNED from TDH!!

just kidding....not a big Trek fan but I did enjoy it

wished they would have left all of the time travel stuff out...and the old spock meets young spock

STAR WARS rules!!! Trek will always be second in my book!!!! LOL
Saw the movie yesterday. I love the refreshed old classic crew with there kind of humor. Abrams decided to create a new, alternating story line to ST. Think that completed new and far away from a reboot. Hope we´ll see more in the next movie.
I'm not suprised people liked it, it looks great. I have not seen it yet, and probably wont only because I dont go to the movies that often. However I will go see Terminator the day it comes out.
I liked it, but dosent the plot make all the other treks (TNG, DS9, Voyager) null and void because they changed the time line and now vulcans are endangered? I.E. Was vulcan destroyed according to the origional star trek?
I never liked the old series or movies, but I saw this one last night and was blown away. I was literally excited during the entire thing.

I think the idea behind the reboot was to get new people interested in Trek and remove some of the stigma surrounding it, and they did just that.

I plan on seeing it again and I'll definitely own it on DVD.
I liked it, but dosent the plot make all the other treks (TNG, DS9, Voyager) null and void because they changed the time line and now vulcans are endangered? I.E. Was vulcan destroyed according to the origional star trek?

Yes. This is a completely different timeline for the ENTIRE TREK UNIVERSE from the get-go.
been overdone? lol... I think it is interesting when they visit old franchises with modern cinematic stuff. Then again, I can appreciate a movie for what it is worth instead of picking everything I don't like about it out, I look at what I do like. I can be the first to tell you, I don't know anything about star trek, don't follow it, but this movie was very well done... It was a good "reboot" and I enjoyed watching it. lack of creativity? You mean to say no creativity went into designing the new transformers? or the wicked awesome Romulan (spelling?) ship?

Just appreciate it man... You know it was called Star Trek before you watched it... if it being a "reboot" is the only reason you don't like it... then I am sorry. That's like saying "I won't drive it becase it is a Ford... no real reason, I just hate all Fords" haha...

Live long and prosper ha


I said the movie was ok. I liked the graphics and the characters made sense. However this movie retcons everything done before...and since LFL has made retconning a regular occurrence it was nice to see one franchise that was staying pretty close to the mark. Now it's had the ultimate retcon.

Just remember, it all depends on a certain point of view. :rolleyes
The general trend I'm noticing here is that people who were fans of the original series either didn't like it as much as they might have, or only thought it was pretty good. Of those who never liked the original series (or spin offs) the general trend is that it was pretty good or great.

It seems this movie was designed to appeal to a new audience, while still keeping enough of the original feel to appeal to at least a goodly portion of dyed in the wool fans.

I think that's a good thing. You can't change the original series, or the original time line, or the original characters. They are imprinted that way forever. There is no reason not to give a new twist to an old story. I like that kind of thing if it's done well. From what I've been reading, this one seems to have been done well. I haven't seen it yet, but want to.
I said the movie was ok. I liked the graphics and the characters made sense. However this movie retcons everything done before...and since LFL has made retconning a regular occurrence it was nice to see one franchise that was staying pretty close to the mark. Now it's had the ultimate retcon.

Just remember, it all depends on a certain point of view. :rolleyes

Enlighten me as to how this was "the ultimate retcon". :D

Likewise, I also enjoyed it. I know a little bit Trek, but not alot...But I REALY enjoyed it. :D I can't wait for the next one. ;)

EDIT - I went to a 3:30 showing Friday, and the people ranged from my age, to all the way into their 80's. I think evryone realy enjoyed it.
i didn't hate it like i thought i was going to.

- trek has never been an action franchise, that went right out the window.

- jj abrams is a hack summer blockbuster director, he will never achieve the level of speilberg (lost sucks!).

- the nods to the original series seemed almost out of place and cute-sy. the only one that worked was the red shirt getting killed.

- i wanted sylar to cut the top of someones head off the whole time.

- up until they point they said it was an alternate reality i was pretty upset at the giant turd that was laid on the history of the future. after that i was like, well ok. this doesn't affect the continuity.

i think the same thing that i thought ten years ago when deep space 9 ended, that the series could have made the shift to action by taking the next show/movie to starfleet academy. paramount could have taken on an entirely new cast of young/sexy talent, continued the natural progression of the series, and kept the series continuity intact.
I actually saw it Thursday and thought it was really good, maybe great! I own all the other movies on DVD, and grew up watching Next Gen and really liking it; never considered myself a Trekkie or had anyone else call me that either (except for those who knew I loved Star Wars and didn't know the difference lol). I tried to watch DS9, and did every now and again, but it got boring real quick. I caught Voyager a little mid series but was almost as lost as they were and didn't get into it. I think I've only seen a couple episodes of Enterprise and could never get into it at all.

Anyways, the new film was really good, I don't feel that what was done changes the established timeline at all, it creates an alternate universe of sorts and they can make as many new stories in it as they want and not effect what was done previously. Spock/Uhura was a little strange, but it worked well. My biggest complaint is the bridge; it's too buisy...just too much going on visually to really get an idea of what's what. One "update" I did really like was the new uniforms. I thought it was close enough to the original TV series but the "texture" added to the top shirt was cool. I really liked how much action there was.

One last thing. Through most of the movie I was thinking "these sound effects sound more "Star Warsy" than "Trekkie" wonder, Ben Burt did the sound design lol.
Saw it twice. Loved it. Though they will never, truely , replace my beloved original crew the NEW actors certainly grew on me. I was really impressed by the NEW Bones. He reminded me so much of Deforest Kelley. When Migel Barrett passed away they said she was doing the compter voice. I listened for it and heard a computer voice, but it didn't sound like her. Anyone know where it's heard?
It was okay.
To me it didn't feel nearly as epic as some previous ST movies like First Contact, etc.

Nero was a lousy villain I felt. He caused a lot of havoc, but in the end he was just a whining widower who happened to get lucky and jack some really awesome tech. More depth please.

The other actors did well and were interesting, but I absolutely could not correlate them at all to the people they're "supposed" to turn into. Mr. Scott was perhaps the most glaring example of this for me. Spock was actually fairly good though, all things considered.

To me this felt like "Ultimate Star Trek" a la the Marvel naming convention. Let's take the original concept, which was cool, and completely remake it, keeping only the names and general gist the same.

It was a good movie, but it wasn't what I went to the theatre hoping for or expecting.

That said, the effects were very nice and it was kind of cool to see Trek using modern CGI tech. Although, what the heck was up with the phasers?! They were like torpedoes or Star Wars Lasers. They weren't the characteristic phase "beam" anymore.

Just my two cents.

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