Maul vs. Vader

Darth Maul vs. Darth Vader - If It Could Have Happened, Who Would Win?

  • Darth Vader

    Votes: 63 78.8%
  • Darth Maul

    Votes: 17 21.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I don't think Vader was pwnd by Luke. His feelings for his son allowed Luke to win and thus led Vader back to the light. Remember ESB? Vader was vastly more powerful and had Luke beaten but did not kill him.
The truth is that anytime Vader was bested by anyone there were always some personal feelings involved. Obi Wan won because of Vaders arrogance. Luke won because Vader loved his son.
When Vader was focused no one could beat him. He would have been very focused on Maul, no feelings there.

Love the poll. We gotta have some more of these.
Vader sucks.

DARTH MAUL for the WIN!!!!

I don't think Vader would be able to force choke Maul to death. Maul is not incompetent when it comes to using the force. He would be able to get out of a force choke. Then using his amazing speed he would cripple Vader and then decapitate him. Even Palpatine didn't like Vader and took any chance he could to try and find a replacement. Seriously, winy cry babies are not Sith Lords.
yes vader was not the fav. but it is in the sith nature to be ruthless and if vader didn't kill him in rotj, then he may have gotten replaced. well played sir,:cheers
yes vader was not the fav. but it is in the sith nature to be ruthless and if vader didn't kill him in rotj, then he may have gotten replaced. well played sir,:cheers

uhm, he didnt kill him. the emperor survived. EU is carnal knowledge in trying to win a star wars argument. hence why this argument means nothing because vader fought maul and won. theres no opinion that will change the fact.
Vader sucks.

DARTH MAUL for the WIN!!!!

I don't think Vader would be able to force choke Maul to death. Maul is not incompetent when it comes to using the force. He would be able to get out of a force choke. Then using his amazing speed he would cripple Vader and then decapitate him. Even Palpatine didn't like Vader and took any chance he could to try and find a replacement. Seriously, winy cry babies are not Sith Lords.

....Palpatine gave up his identity as the Sith Lord to get Anakin as his apprentice. The only time Palpatine tried to replace Vader was in ROTJ. And that was because up until then there had been no force sensitive who was more powerful than vader. Vader was the most powerful force sensitive ever created, he wasn't even born he was created by the force. The only reason he lost his power was because when he lost his limbs he lost all of the midichlorians that were in his blood. and even still there was no jedi who could defeat him except his own son.

Just because you dont like Hayden christensen's portayal of Darth Vader dont forget was the character truly was.
Obi wan chopped Maul in half by himself.
Who killed Obi wan, could it have been VADER. Oh yes, in his big, heavy, slow suit.

Therefore, Vader beats Maul no matter what.
Obi wan chopped Maul in half by himself.
Who killed Obi wan, could it have been VADER. Oh yes, in his big, heavy, slow suit.

Therefore, Vader beats Maul no matter what.

...and who had Vader at his mercy BEFORE Vader was a clunky machine? if Obi-wan had wanted to, Vader would have died right there.
...and who had Vader at his mercy BEFORE Vader was a clunky machine? if Obi-wan had wanted to, Vader would have died right there.

So by your logic, Obi-wan let Vader win, but Vader did not let Luke win. Who do you think cared more? Obi-wan for Vader, or Vader for his own son. The last time they met, Vader had become the most powerful sith lord ever.

Also, when Obi-wan killed Maul, he was only a learner and was not even a full Jedi Knight at the time.
Tough question...

personally... i think maul would win... IMO he is superior in his lightsaber skills... Vader is quite strong with the force but what would he do with it to actually end maul? Maul can use it as well, not nearly as well as vader but he can. It is kind of interesting topic... overall i think it owuld be difficult to say. My heart lies with Maul tho so I am following that haha!

this month in star wars magazine they had an interesting duel. they pitted Dooku against Maul and broke down all the stats. the final outcome :

Dooku would have no problem extinguishing maul's life flame. they said maul was nothing but an animal who wanted nothing but physical prowess. Dooku's extreme knowledge of the force would be no match for maul.

so......ipso facto. maul would stand absolutely no chance against vader.
All the agility in the world wouldn't help Maul against Vader if he used the Force. He could easily beat him with that alone.
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