Jango Glove Interest?


As of 3 days ago, glove was just mailed. Haven't recieved it yet. I will let everyone know and post pictures when it gets here.

Got the sample!!


Arrived about 10 minutes after my post earlier today, hehe.

Well...it looks fairly dark to me, I would still wear it trooping, but that's my opinion. A couple of the pictures look purple, but it's funny lighting. It's a royal blue in person, but without a purple tint. I know the stitching isn't quite right, but I will have her add in the "box" shape that is stitched on the back of the hand. Also...there is padding in the fingers and all across the back of the hand, but I might ask her to double it up depending on what you guys think. I think the padding would look a little better if it was a little thicker but now it's up to you guys.


Please post your opinions on this glove, I'll have her make changes as needed and we can move to the next sample.

Thanks for being patient guys!!

Just my 2 cents;
It looks as if they used a gauntlet glove type pattern for the entire prototype instead of a dress glove type pattern with a gauntlet added. Definitely works better for the folks that want to tuck the gauntlet cuff into their gauntlets (say that 6 times fast ;)). But using that type of pattern for the entire gloves looks to be throwing off the finger seams and padding for screen accuracy.[
Did they actually pad the front or is it just thicker leather used to make it look that way? It looks as if they just used heavier leather??? Could be a good way to go if they can get the stitching right.
Color looks a bit brighter than expected and that whole purple thing is freaky (kind of like the flightsuit dilemma), but could definitely be a great base to start with.

Again, just my opinion not meant to discourage.
It's interesting, that's for sure. The color for these things is really tough to nail down because of the myriad pictures that exist for this costume. It wouldn't really surprise me overmuch if there were actually multiple gloves used in the movie and various images, so finding an exact match could be a trick.

It's a good start, I'll be curious to see where this goes.
As for the color...if you look at the pictures from the paris exhibit, the gloves are really almost a sky blue. Sky blue//gray ish. Depends on what picture you've got.

I can tell her to fix the stitching on the back to make it look better.

How about how long the cuff is? Any thoughts? It's a little long, but it means it will tuck into the gauntlets and not come out.

All in all I think it's a good start. The color won't be changing unless you all decide you want to pay the extra for the custom color. So...let me know if the color is Ok or not...I"ll try to take a picture of the other color I can get next time I get a day off. Problem is, the store is open and closed the same hours my job is =p.


Gee2, yeah it's padded...the pictures of the glove inside out show the padding. It's all along the back of the fingers and hand, and along the thumb. I can ask about perhaps using a dress glove and attaching the cuff. I'll let you know what I find out.

Thanks guys.
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Any chance you could take that thing outside and shoot it in natural light?

I'd be curious to see what color it is in true light without flashes and incandescents.
Hey guys.

Yeah, I'll get some pictures from outside...sorry about the delay.

As most of you probably saw on the news, Mt Redoubt has been erupting for a few days. We had some nasty ashfall and I don't want to take my SLR out in the ash. Really only go outside if I have to right now =p.

Thanks for being patient.
I like the style of the glove. In my opinion, the long cuff would be great to stuff into the gauntlets.

Color - another issue. I would prefer a darker blue - more navy-ish.

Good to see this is making progress. Thank you for the update !
Hey guys...Volcano died down so I should be able to make it outside with my camera by Monday afternoon to take some pictures outside with natural lighting. Sorry about the delay...in addition to the volcano, I just started a new job with way more hours than I'm used to so I've been exhausted.

I've talked to the glove maker a couple times and that's about as close as we can get for stitching on the back apparently...I'm still trying to convince her otherwise. The cuff length can be changed if needed, but as for the "style" of the glove, with a cuff added...it would be WAY more...in the 200+/ea pair range to do a driving style glove w/ a cuff attached, as opposed to the current "gauntlet" style glove. I for one don't want to pay that much, but I'm just the middle man so...your call guys.

I can't up front the money for a sample of the 200+ style, so if someone wants to see it, I can give you the glovemaker info to send a paypal or something, or we can wait till I've been at my new job long enough to get a check or too and I'll up front it =p.

ANYWAY. Rambling aside...I'll try to post pictures by Monday evening.

Thanks guys!!
Hows that?

Ok guys...looks like these are the gloves, unless we want to about double the price...what do you all think?

Should I order 35 or so pairs? Let me know if these will work for you guys. If not I"ll continue negotiations with the glove maker about making some changes.

I need input before I continue though.



Sorry but I can't commit to this style; the color looks fine, maybe it's just me but the pattern looks too far off from the screen used.
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