Female Mandalore 501st question


Active Hunter
Hello all. It's been forever since I have posted here. But, Life Happens you know.
I have been staying very active with the Squad 66 portion of the 501st. And we do events all the time which is why we are really in these clubs I would hope. My daughter is to the age where she has stopped growing for the most part and also she wishes to be part of the Star Wars Nerds. She wants us to begin making her a female Star Wars costume. But..... She doesn't wan't to be a half naked twilek or a shaved head bounty hunter. We were reading up on the star wars universe and discovered Fett had Wife, Daughter and Grand Daughter. And from the pix his Grand Daughter seemed to be a Mandalorian. So one of those is always an option Zam Wessel and Bousch is also out there but I'm not sure if I want to do the bousch and Zam would take a good amount of leather crafting to do well. I can fabricate her a female Mandalore much easier in my opinion. But..... ( Thost Big Ole But's keep getting in the way) :lol: I doubt that right now in the current 501st atmosphere and way of thinking none of those are Canon and part of the 501st. Which is sad. I hope that now the leadership is changing some of these things will be lossened up. After all shouldn't we encourage imagination? Yes you can still require to be an official trooper or fett or vader or Rankor keeper you have to follow the suit that is known. No problems there. But I see no trouble with expanded universe characters. Novels, Comics, and the like would have to be at least approved by Lucas.

Anyways. Rant over.

If there are any ideas for my daughter to look at as far as characters go let me know and pix or links to pix would be most appreciated.

And for those that have done the female mandalores what are the best ways to mold the chest armor? Use a mannequin or some kind of object or what????

But, since I have a job no longer my time is much more freed up. Finances are at all time low though so I have to be creative on materials to use. Then once the Helmet gets to fruition then I will either bite the bullet or create one.

Thanks for any help that you have and all the ideas


No disrespect to TDH, but I would recommend cruising over to the Mandalorian Mercs site. They have a fair amount of content on creating the female mando armor.

Good luck... I'm waiting for the day my daughter wants to be as geeky as her old man.
From a 501st standpoint, if Fett's daughter was a Mando it would be considered acceptable so long as you could produce 3 sources for costume references.

For a custom Mando, they're still not accepted. Haven't heard any real chatter but I think Albin may have mentioned believing the Mando Mercs and 501st were best as separate entities because of their goals. (anyone remember?)

There's always Juno Eclipse, whose eligibility I'm a little fuzzy on. But she just wears a modified officers uniform, that would be cheap :)

Hope this helps,

Yeah,what JMP said.

The Mercs site is for custom and NON-canon mandalorians. Unfortunately this would include the extended Fett family.

This is not a bash on the 501st.... I totally understand and agree with their limitations on canon only characters. But, if you want to get your creative freak on and experiment a little, or play with something super cool from the EU then the 501st isn't for you.

Anyway, most of the time, the 501st plays nice and understands that it's a big sandbox. Do the costume you want to do. Have fun. Have so much fun it's illeagal in some repressed states. Go troop and enjoy yourself and make friends with the local 501st. You might get invited to some of their events.

And if you really want to be in the legion... Jawa's are always good for a canon character and can be boys or girls.
boba fett's daughter Ailyn Vel is said to have strapped on mandalorian armore at some point as an attemp to use her fathers name to cash in on bounty. she did not pretend to be him, she only tryed to use the fett name. I can not find any refrence to her costume. hope this helps
For a custom Mando, they're still not accepted. Haven't heard any real chatter but I think Albin may have mentioned believing the Mando Mercs and 501st were best as separate entities because of their goals. (anyone remember?)

Albin and myself had a nice chat back right before he became LCO about the relationship between the 501st and Mercs. Of course one of our main goals will always be to work with the 501st and RL to help round out the scope of Star Wars characters represented in costume. The goal of Mercs is not to create a screen accurate costume, but to create a costume that based off screen/EU characters for use as your own personal character. Think of us as the 4th faction. Empire, Rebels, Jedi, Mandos.

The 501st and RL have tons of canon costumes she can choose from, but if she wants to do a custom mando then feel free to give us a visit at Mandalorian Mercs. We do many many events with the 501st, are LFL "approved" to use licensed material like the 501st (our name is actual canon), and are starting to get bites in the higher-end events. Besides, many of us are also 501st and RL members...so it's just another outlet for those who sometimes want to step away to something a little different.

Here are direct links to the female armor and soft parts boards at Mercs. You'll need to sign up to view them, but I am positive that you'll find what you need to know there. There are quite a few women working on mando armor currently.


Another thing to realize, is while non-canon characters are not acceptable costumes in terms of official membership, I have been a member of three different garrisons, all of which have had zero problem with people wearing non-canon costumes at non-formal events( formal events being those where the requester of the event, a lot of times lucasfilm themselves, specify white armor only, or only certain, canon characters)

I have never seen a problem with 501st allowing extended members of their families (wives, kids, girlfriends, etc)or the members themselves to wear outfits, canon or not to events unless it is specified otherwise. I've always found the garrisons I've been in encouraging to family involvement, and to creativity.

Go for it! Make it, build it, troop with your daughter.

It always seems like people think that the 501st exists purely to keep anything custom down and never let people wear it. They have no problem with you trooping something custom. Heck, I worn a mando to conventions numerous times in the past. My girlfriend will wear hers when I'm done with it. You just can't use a non canon outfit to join that particular group. As long as you aren't hung up on some conception that getting a couple of more alphabet soup letters in front of numbers from a group is the only validation of your costuming efforts, there should be no reason NOT to do something fun you feel passionate about.
Just respect the fact that if there is say a black tie event for Uncle George's honor and white TKs are called in thru the 501st, no you can't wear the mando to it. But otherwise, something like a convention or a relaxed atmosphere event bust it out and enjoy it.
Hey if your going to Planet ComicCon, check out the Mercs table while your there. The clan leader of Yustapir Clan (MO/IL) and his wife are also in the 70th. There will be around 20+ mandos from Mercs there, so you and your wife will be able to learn quite a bit!
Mirta Gev--Fett's granddaughter, does end up in yellow Mando armor. There's a pic floating around pf a marriage ceremony with a female Mando in yellow armor and a male in red. I don't believe it's been officially recognized as Mirta and Ghez, but they are described very similarly in the books.
Just an idea if you're looking for something to go off of.

Don't forget about people like Mara Jade, Padme Amidala, Mom Mothma, Shmi Skywalker, Beru Lars...there's a few other femme characters not always showing skin ;) Some may not be the most popular costumes, but Amidala's wardrobe was variable. I've even seen one lady that made a Leia dress from the Bespin scenes.

I myself would love to try to make a Mandalorian Briika Jeban costume if I had more information about what it looked like, other than it's red with a saber sigil on it. She has a daughter, Dinua, and I think that for me and my daughter it would be pretty cool.
I'm also over at Mandalorian Mercs, currently working on a female Mando costume. I had started with trash can armor, but for the chest plates, I'll be using Sintra ;) My thread under "Mir'ika Tarvos" is in the femme armor section over there, and there's quite a few of us ladies with WIP's.
We actually have one member on the Mercs that goes by the name Mirta Gev.
http://mercs.firespray.net/forum/index.php?topic=7635.0 And somewhere in there, her sister, I believe, actually attempted the Aylin Vel.

To echo what Novall Talon said, custom Mercs for the most part will always and forever be non-canon characters. We do have one member, Ram Zerimar, who was made into an EU canon character by Karen Travis. There's also a discussion on the Mercs boards about whether or not the Mandos will be made canon in the new series, but we're happy with our customs.

Good luck on your gear!

Sure! I've seen a few, and they probably go by their personal character names and not as the canon name. In fact, we just instituted the same rules for Boba, Jango, Jaster, and Jodo that the 501st and BHG requires for admission as those characters. So if anyone wants to join who already has one of those four, they are more than welcome!:thumbsup:

Are there not Boba and Jango costumers in the Mando Mercs member database?

Do Boba and Jango costumes consist of Mandalorian Armor?

There are around 10 of our 200 members total that wear Boba and Jango costumes. However any canon set who applies has to meet 501st standards to gain entry to Mercs. All of them who have joined are current 501st members as well.

We don't turn away a set of mando armor, but we don't openly encourage those with Boba or Jango armor to apply using that set of armor. We have always said that those costumes have a home in the 501st and BHG. We aren't hear to compete, only to fill a void and help build on the Mandalorian being a strong Star Wars character.
Mirta Gev--Fett's granddaughter, does end up in yellow Mando armor. There's a pic floating around pf a marriage ceremony with a female Mando in yellow armor and a male in red. I don't believe it's been officially recognized as Mirta and Ghez, but they are described very similarly in the books.
Just an idea if you're looking for something to go off of.

Yes, you are correct! That is Mirta and Ghez on their wedding day. There have only been to my knowledge a couple reproductions of the yellow armor. Mirta also has her gray set from early on which has been reproduced by TDH poster Zammap out of NYC.

Rav Bralor/Vhonte Thervo and Isabet Rau are the only other 2 female sets that have pics or action figures of currently.
Thanks for the input. I signed up to the Mercs forum. I understand the whole 501st canon issue. But it does tick me off with the belief that you must spend thousands on a stormtrooper costume so it can be perfect but the ones that were in the movie if I hear right they spent $2500 for 100 of those costumes in 1976 dollars. If it looks good and can fool most people isn't that what we are going for? Yes perfection is nice but does it have to be perfect to be part of the fun? I am a member of the 501st and have been for a few years now. I am active in Squad 66 and 70th garrison.

My daughter was just hoping to be something that was cool, that people go oh wow. They know its star wars but isn't the usual female role of princess leia, Amidala and the like. The Fem Fett would always be fun to tackle.

And someone mentioned wife. I have none at this point in time. But Lord willing and the creek don't rise my fiance in the Philippines and I will get hitched up soon and she is wanting me to make her the Slave Leia. :D

Thanks for all the info I can get.

ok, my schpeel on it now... lol

fett's daughter ailyn vel does wear a set of mandalorian armor at some point. she found the armor with an unknown dead mandalorian along with boba's slave 2. judging by the timeline and wear it was found, i believe it was fenn shysa's armor as that's the time and place fett killed him.

mirta gev is fett's grand daughter. over at mercs, our mirta gev costumes in the grey version of the rmor and has been photo'd with karen traviss wearing it. it's kt approved! as far as i know, it's referenced loosely in 2 books with no other sources. the saffron and gold armor was referenced in 1 book i believe and a piece of artwork showing mirta and ghez on their wedding day. the pic shows mirta wearing armor tht matches the isabet reau figure released in 2007. so again only 2 sources 1 short for 501st.

all that being said, glad to hear you're on board at the mando mercs! we welcome all mando's, cannon or self created!
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