Nemrod Holster


So recently I was lucky enough to win this on ebay:

So can anyone help me do the right things to it. So the knife holder on mine is worn out, but I heard that comes off anyway? This is the area I am referring to:

The other thing I noticed is the bottom is not open. So how much/where do you make the cut? This is the bottom:

Anything else I am missing? I am on the list for the copies that GBH and FP are starting on, and I still would like one of those as well, but for now I would really appreciate any info anyone can give me.


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I was wondering who snatched that up. The price just went too high for me with Stormrider working on one soon. Nice snag though.(y)
I'll try to post pics of mine this weekend, although i haven't completely converted mine to screen accurate either. Have a pretty good idea how I'm gonna proceed though.
Hold your horses bud!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) I'm gonna wait till I have a techinsub before I do anything. you've already won 1/2 the battle by getting a real holster...don't rush it!!!!!!!!! We'll let you know what to do as soon as the rest of us know!! ;)
Sorry, I don't mean to be pushy, I just thought the holster was already figured out. I didn't know that everyone is in the same boat as me. I guess I just got really excited when it came in the mail. Can you blame me?
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