Dye job


Anyone have advice on dyeing vests and flight suits? I have several different Ritt dye products. They say either in a washing machine, or stove top. I could do either, as I have access to very large pots. Pros/Cons? Any info or thoughts are appreciated...
I wouldn't dye your vest, (if you are using the tacket twill that is) it won't take dye anyway!!! Best way to weather a vest, is with light application of greys/browns/blacks through an airbrush. Do some searching around, there used to be numerous threads on it..but they might be buried. Ive never done stove top myself, (except at Thanxgiving) LOL. Had pretty good luck just running things (like the coverall) through the wash to dye them.
Def go with the stove top way, if you use your machine there's a good chance that some reminant dye will get in with your laundry
I have always preferred machine dying. Never had a problem with dye being left in the machine, but the instructions do tell you to run your washer once you are finished with the dye to clear it out.
Def go with the stove top way, if you use your machine there's a good chance that some reminant dye will get in with your laundry

That can be a concern...but as Andy mentioned, if you run your washer again to clear it out, you won't have a problem. At least i never have, and I've been dying coveralls since 2002.
Here is a pic. It is a slippery, smooth, material. It has a reflective sheen to it

Im guessing it is? So if it is, how would I go about dyeing it a dark green? Or is it possible? Would I paint it? Maybe I will go to a fabric store and ask them.


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Anyone? I am still curious about this, does anyone have any advice? Do all the guys making custom mandos just make the vest out of a material that is already the color you want? Am I wasting my time? Should I just sell this one and look for some colored material to work with?
That looks like tacket twill to me...(or something similar) If it is, you will be wasting your time trying to dye it. It won't take dye...at least I would be very surprised if it did!!! I guess you could try it?????
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