darth vader helmet question


Jr Hunter
i want to make a costume using a Hasbro darth vader helmet (voice changer) bought it on sale for $15 and would like to use it,my question is, has anyone done a good costume using this helmet? also besides the neck whats the difference? thanks
Probably not a good costume (501st quality). The biggest difference is size. Actual Vader helmets are huge in comparison.
If you want to go with it completely stock, then you will not have a 501st acceptable costume. My suggesstion is that now that you have it. With some heavy, and I mean HEAVY mods, you may, make it 501st acceptable. Like making it bigger. I might buy one myself for really cheap to see if I can do it.
The Hasbro Voice Changer mask is based on the old Don Post Standard, which was more a child sized novelty mask. It was an entirely different sculpt than the screen-used.




So the following, from left to right: A Voice Changer, a Don Post Standard that I had started resculpting, and a Don Post Deluxe.:



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Listen to Mac. Oh wait, he didn't really say that much. Okay, look at the pics and take what Mac did say and multiply it by 10. The Hasbro voice changing helmet is pretty much a toy with all of the proportions incorrect. It would never be accepted in the 501st.

Frankly, with the amount of work it would require to do anything at all with the helmet you would be much better of just starting from scratch.

Once again Mac, some great comparison shots.
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