kids boba fett stuff at target


Active Hunter
So I was walking through target today and found out they have little kid boba fett stufff. They have a cinch backpack and socks. I grabbed a couple of each (planning to have kids some day). Go check out your local target for them if you have little kids!
You know you've got it bad when you buy the your kids Fett stuff. When you don't have any. :lol: :p :)

Smart though! :)
My Target had Notepads (vader, fett, yoda), bookbags (vader, fett), markers (clone wars, vader), mechanical pencils (fett), mechanical crayons (clone wars, vader), yoyo (vader, yoda, fett), and kids and adult socks (vader, fett, chewie, r2d2).
Yeah, I found one of those notepads with Boba on it... I have it in my purse now. =)
Target's dollar section will sometimes have some neat Star Wars stuff in it... over the last couple of years occasionally I will run into SW things. I wish my Target had the socks though... I didnt see any of those.
Let me tell you, it really does only get worse once you do have kids, especially if they love SW as much as you do! My daughter is almost three, and has more sw stuff than I ever did! 12 inch figures, galactic heroes, all of my once carded figures, ships, costumes, Yoda MR saber, now target SW bedsheets and the BMF(Falcon) for Christmas. You really do relive it all through them though, so it's all worth it.
I've got 3 pairs of the socks. sarlaccbits and never_ending_fett if you want them I can send the extra 2 pairs I have to you two? I also have one extra cinch pack.
I'll keep looking ever now and again, thanks for the offer. If I don't ever find them I may take you up on it though. How much were they and what part of the store did you find them in.
I've got 3 pairs of the socks. sarlaccbits and never_ending_fett if you want them I can send the extra 2 pairs I have to you two? I also have one extra cinch pack.

That's very kind of you.
I will just keep an eye out when I am at Target (which lately seems like once a week) and see if I run into 'em. No point in shipping dollar socks since it would cost more to send them to me! hehe.
But I do appreciate the offer.
Our Target has a whole slew of stuff!!! Socks, Stickers, Yo Yo's, Pads, pencils, pens, bags and gift bags.
I was really surprised. I picked up stuff for stocking stuffers. Christmas is not far off.
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