Personalized Signature Banners

Art Andrews

Community Founder
Community Staff
GINO was sharing some very interesting ideas on personalized marketing with me yesterday and pointed out that making personalized signature tags for people was a great way to promote the site. I couldn't agree more. I really quickly took a couple members and created quick and dirty banners using photos I have taken of them. I think they turned out pretty well! If you would like to support TDH in this way, I will be glad to make a custom TDH signature banner for you if you will send me a photo of yourself in costume! It is no biggie, but might be fun for some of you who would like something custom, but don't have the photoshop experience to do it.





this sort of thing is REALLY popular with some forums. i'll be happy to spread the TDH love.

my one thought is that it should include the URL in the image. not everyone is going to think to / be allowed to / know how to make the banner a link. so if the URL is in the pic, it guarantees that people will see it :)
Great Idea Art...
'Quick and dirty' now I've heard that somewhere before? :lol:

Nah but seriously I'd love one but fear that I do not have a full Fett to put forward... :facepalm

One day! ;)
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