Building an E-11


Well-Known Hunter
Decided to finally get around to making this. Spent some time this weekend. Always wanted one, and no prop collection can be complete without one. Scratchbuilt using resin part from TK560. Some of the resin pieces needed and bit of work to get them right, especially the folding stock. I lost the early on progress pics.

Main body made from PVC pipe. Cutouts done using the template at blaster builders club. I glued on the trigger frame, folding stock, barrel tip, and front site. Cracks were filled with spot putty and sanded-

The folding stock needed a bit of work. I had to build up the tip and re-shape and sand it-

Next I glued a second pvc pipe inside the main body. I was going to go for a spring and misc internals, but decided this route was much easier and made the blaster look cleaner, and feel more solid. End cap, magazine and magazine housing, and rear site are glued on-



Next, I built the site rail using a piece of aluminum flat bar from Lowe's. The scope is then JB welded on-

I am building the stock swing arm and flash supressors tonight hopefully. Then it will be time for one last spot sand and primer(y)
that is so cool. really nice job. Kinda takes me back to my early army days when i used the sterlings. That thing is spot on :)
Good looking start there.
I actually did this a couple of years ago with a buddy of mine. It took about 4 weeks (weekends only) to do but when the work was done, I was very happy with the end result.




The "glow" on the front of the scope was achieved with some red fingernail polish. After, a small, clear plastic bead was sanded and placed over the front for a "lens"


The targeting information was printed off and then glued to the scope. As with the front part of the scope, a clear plastic bead was sanded down and then placed over it to give it the impression of having a glass lens.
Thanks Mojo for the detailed E-11 pics(y) Now you can see why I needed the detailed pics of the front of the folding stock. Basically what I had was a lump of resin. The pics also helped with the placement of pieces. I built the swingarm last night, not sure if its supposed to have a bend in it or not. Some pics looks like there is a slight bend, but others look straight. Another piece I need to fabricate is the piece on the bottom of the body, right in front of the end cap.
Hey Bud,

Do you need a couple of templates that I drew up for the folding stock and the rear spring clip that retains the end screw cap? ;)
Cool, is this the piece on the bottom in front of the rear end cap?
Yes it is... it's the piece once depressed that you can then turn thro 90deg to remove the end cap (On real sterling)

I'll shoot you the plans for the folding stock tomorrow? it shows the curve and you can use it as a template as it's 1:1 ;)
These may help. It does look like a slight curve in the swingarm. Is that the way you see it it person?

i owe some other folks photos too, so i could unfold the stock and take some straight on shots. just let me know what angle(s) you need.

the mag still ejects and the stock still unfolds, it's just got some junk glued on now ;)
Try this on for size bud... ;)
Print out on A3 (UK size, I don't know what the conversion is to US)


  • Folding Stock Patterns.pdf
    7.8 KB · Views: 671
Got some more progress on this slow moving project. Got the t-tracks installed thanks to Mojo-Fett:cheers Also got the stock clamp built. It was a few trial and errors to build it right, but I think I got pretty close. I went with a closed bolt slide and no cocking bolt, like the MR blaster. I still want to build the bayonet mount, but need to collect some more reference first. I may just add it on later, really want to get some primer on it, and see where I still need to do any body work-


Got this finished up a while ago, but never posted pics for those who were following this. Still need to build a bayonet mount. Also trying to decide if I want to keep it in new condition, or weather it a bit-



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