Great friend & a true artist needs your help!

My condolences to the both of them.

Wish there was something I could to to help out a fellow artist. I am also basically in the same boat. So I understand completely.

I sure hope that something comes around to help them out.
I put my order in yesterday. His art is indeed amazing and those prices are a steal indeed. If you have ever thought about commissioning someone to make you a unique piece of art, this is a great chance to get awesome work and to give someone deserving some business.
Nathan, you are the most loveable I know

I will see if I can drum up some business.

This is what it is all about!!
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Nate, I tried contacting Dan on his Myspace to order, but I haven't heard back yet. Is there another way to order the art?

D&D will be at my house tomorrow
I'll relay to them if they don't get your order first
I believe they will also be at F&S next weekend if you wanna talk one-on-one

Thanx to everyone who has given so generously (so far), you have no idea what it means to me personally
I had D&D over yesterday for some barbecue
I can't say enough about how nice these 2 are
Truly sweet people that could just use a little help right now
I gave them the fundage that already came in, but I hope it isn't the last of it.
please do what you can to help
Thank you so much Myles. I cannot express how humbled I am by my fellow Mandos,Brothers, and Sisters from here and the 501st. You guys inspire Danny and I so much. (y)
I get a bit choked up when I think about it. Due to everyones generosity Danny and I are keeping our heads above water. I know we are going to be ok. For we have family. Both blood related and friends that will always be there for us. Just like we will be there forever for them. :love
Thank you so much to everyone who as given so generously.
Dan & Danie have been able to get some food and even pay their bills.
They tell me things are starting to turn around & they really appreciate every pennny that was given.
They are not entirely happy with me for posting this thread.
They are not ok with "taking Handouts" (as they call it) and want to pay everyone back.
Here's the deal though, I'm not going to tell them who gave what amount.
I may tell them who (or is it whom?) gave, so they can send along personal thanks
PM me if you gave & tell me how you want to handle it.

Dan has received a ton of Commissions & is working very hard to fill the orders
He has removed the temporary pricing that he quoted.
However, he will honor those prices for those people that have already contacted him previously.
He is still taking new Commissions (with adjusted pricing).
For those of you that want some beautiful aartwork painted by a great artist (& even greater friend) contact Dan at;

Thank you so much everyone.
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