Shaddyness Too Often


Active Hunter
i have been watching some threads lately, and it is really beginning to upset me what is going on more frequently and frequently, and shouldnt be happening at all....people are not getting their stuff, and it ALWAYS seems like sickness, or personal problems, or whatever convienent excuse may come up is the reason why things arent being shipped...if you are selling something or making something, you have a responsibility to live up to your commitment....dont take orders that you cant fill cause of what is going on in your life...set a time frame, for our sake, the consumer, the ones desperately wanting to be FETT....and live up to it!! this business of taking over 2 months to ship something that is already made is just LUDICRIS!!! what do you think, we are all just made of money and you feel like you are entitled to it just cause your costume is made and you can make stuff or sell your unwanted items? the consumer depends on that, and it really isnt cool that you cant get off your bum and get it to us like you said you would....we are supposed to family here, that is what we brag about, helping, encouraging, pushing in the right direction....not ripping off, or lieing, or cheating....if the mail screws up, then YOU the sender have the responsibility of taking care of what wasnt sent, then YOU deal with the post office....i have had my experience with this type of thing, and have been fortunate to get my items...i am lucky, but what about those that dont? i love this place, and really dont want to see this junk continuing, it offends me, and something needs to be done, or those doing this need to be hunted down and bountied!!! :angry
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We can talk about this till we're blue in the face Darrell but the fact of the matter is that this will always be an ongoing problem. I do believe that there are honest people out there as well as impaitent people. we have no control over the PO that's why EVERYTHING should have a conformation number with the sale period! no matter what it is.
agreed, sir, totally....i am just not blue in the face talkin' about this subject yet...;) i think those that are new should be aware of those that are doing this, so they dont get it as well...those of us that have been here awhile have a clue to what is going on, but those who havent have no idea who to trust and who not to trust....
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yeah, it's sadly a fact of life... when dealing in privately made goods of questionable origins, there's no buyer protection other than reputation.

i basically never send out a dollar i couldn't afford to lose...
As a shortimer yourself Darrell, I can tell you that I can vouch for 90% of the people here and would buy stuff from them anytime. however, there have been a few sales that have gotten nasty here concerning other members that have ended in either a good result or you just don't see them on here anymore. just remember bro, If you have an issue with someone, try and work it out between yourself and the other person first before blasting them publicly. nobody likes to see these kind of posts. as a newbie myself, I came to learn that too.
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i know we want this site to be upbeat, postive and encouraging....that is what makes me angry about what these people are we just turn our heads (and cough....:lol:) and not say anything? i am sure i will get fed up with this stand, and Ben, i agree, i trust everyone that i have encountered here....but those who are the shaddy ones, we will be watching.....we will be....;)
FettDad, You make some very good pointsand while we would like to believe everyone is upfront and honest, the sad truth is that this is not the case, no matter how much we wish it to be. With that in mind, you must be a savy shopper and take preemptive steps to protect yourself when buying online. I would strongly encourage you or any buyer to take the following steps when purchasing:

*ASK for Insurance, and be willing to pay for it.
*ASK for tracking, and be willing to pay for it.
*ASK the seller when they expect the product to be shipped and by what method it will be shipped.
*ASK the seller what their refund policy is, if any.
*ASK the seller how they will handle the situation if the item arrives broke or doesn'y arrive at all.
*ASK others about their experience with the seller.
*TELL the seller when you expect the product and clearly explain any specific needs.

These tips will help you protect yourself and will help make complications easier to deal with if you have discussed them in advance, instead of debating them after something has gone awry.

Well I run into the problem sometimes where people say" Can I pay you now cause in a week or two I may not have the money" I tell them sure but I cant get to it until such and such time...If they send me money in advance knowing the project wont be done for awhile then they really have no cause to complain IMO.
But what tends to happen is as soon as they know payment has been received they start in "IS it done yet?...How long?".....

I think as long as it is understood up front it will be awhile before items are done or able to be done then its a mutual understanding...which sometimes that doesnt matter either.

Also life stuff does happen and it happens unexpectedly all the time some minor some major most as a consumer you also need to have some understanding and compassion in cases like this...I think someone using an illness as an excuse to buy more time is BS so dont get me wrong I agree with you there..I just mean if its a legit reason.

Just giving you a little different perspective from the other side of the fence.

And from a consumers standpoint if you do have life problems that make you unable to fulfill your end of the deal do the right thing and just refund people their money..its as simple as that.

Communication is key.I have had things happen that has thrown me behind and made me late on items owed people but hey there is this cool thing called a phone and if you push the cool little numbers in the right sequence you can actually talk to the person that is owed...most people I think are understanding and if explained would be more than happy to make compromises with the seller.But Ignoring your buyer cause you know they are probably getting annoyed with you isnt going to help at all and will actually make future compromises with this person impossible.
I couldn't agree more with "The Dent"s second to last point. Ask other's about their around. In our instant gratification society and impulse buyers, it is a feeding frenzy for the dishonest. Stop, wait and watch.....everything that has been for sale here once has been for sale again....things have only been made better and more available...not worse or less.

Granted there are the one off sales that go awry, but again, it's the buyers choice to still beware of whom they deal with. Have a close circle that you can trust and try not to go outside of it if at all possible. It's all about probability and reducing your chances of getting ripped off.

I don't want to imply that the buyers are at fault, but just to not expect everyone you deal with be willing to bend over backwards in hopes of acheiveing the best customer satisfaction. I've waited for month's and MONTH'S for items....some close to a year...too long yes, but during it I tried to keep the mantra of "more flies with honey than with vinegar" mentality. Anyone here can tell you I'm not a "seller" so I'm not trying to buy leeway with my comments....I have "sold" and ANY of my former customers would attest to my diligence to please and speediness of delivery.

Bottom line = buyer beware ;)

thanks for you input, guys....i am totally there with you....Dent, i know exactly what you are saying...going thru that process is of utmost importance...that is what i did when buying my jet pack...MOW is awesome, i paid more, but i got what i needed from Christian and he was great to deal with....;) and i understand those life unexpectancies that we all face, but as a seller, you have to be willing to take care of your customer, if you cant fulfill an obligation or committment, then let us know, respond to emails or pms, and give a refund so we as comsumers can move on and have someone who can get the job done do the work....that is all i am saying, its the lack of respect some people have here when selling items that started this whole thing....i have had a great experience here, and all those i have dealt with have been great...but there are some i have been watching in the cargo hold that got me on this rant, and i just felt someone needed to speak i did, and i hope i shed some light to those who may not have had good experiences on what to do....just like Dent's post, and the posting of the CH rules, that will help those who didnt have it before...i hold the makers of this fett stuff in the highest of respects, wish i could do the things you guys do....its the selling of gear that has already been bought, not having to be made and just needing to be shipped, and not getting that gear to the buyer that has caused me to go off....if you are sick, injured, whatever, and you dont HAVE to make anything, just ship something, then get someone to do it for you, or give a refund....that is what is disturbing, and that is really what this is all in reference if i had armor bought from FP (i wish....;)) , and he couldnt get to it at this point, his circumstance is totally understandable...he let us know what was going on in his life, and answered emails and such, and i am sure he would do what he could to refund, or figure something out to take of is those that dont do those things that irritate all of us....
As well as having a reputation for good products, communication is also a key ingredient to a good seller, nothing worse than being kept in the dark about your purchases (nothing is worth that). If suppliers (no matter who there are) don't return my enquiry emails in a timely manner, I just won't buy from them, wouldn't expect the communication to get any better once money had changed hands.
I would be absolutely livid if someone deliberately set out to rip me off, god knows this hobby is expensive enough without that.
As one who has sold stuff myself, I tend to agree with the setiment. I try my best to get things out the door as soon as I can - but I hope that people remember that making castings is ultimately a hobby, even if it does involve a bit of cash. The only part of the lit of steps you posted, The Dent, that I have a slight problem with is in the case where a casting is yet to be produced... giving a delivery date, or complying with "when the buyer needs it" may not be a solid option. I do try my best to get things out as soon as I can, and to deliver by certain dates if they need something before X date, but life has a way of throwing us curve balls. On the other hand, I do try to keep in touch with any buyer regarding these issues.

I guess I'm just a little wary that maybe people will read the list and become influenced to think that if shipping of products gets delayed a bit for legitimate reasons that they should think of the seller as "shady".
Well, as for myself, I only buy things from people that I know to be reputable(lots of post, long membership, good rating...ect)so I have not had too many problems in that area.As far as selling,I believe in complete honesty.I know it sucks to wait for stuff, and if I sell something already made, I will have it out ASAP.
Considering that almost everything I sell is made from scratch(give or take a couple greeblies which I get from other reputable parts suppliers), and very labor intensive it does take me a while, but I try to determine a realistic time frame, and I state that up front.If it is a rush job, and I know I cannot complete it in the time frame needed by the buyer, I decline the sale, but most of the people I have dealt with are very patient, and very easy to deal with, and I appreciate that.Quality items take time to make, and I am sure everyone here understands that.
My thing is ,if something takes longer than expected, I always communicate that to the buyer.I work full time as well as doing this part time, and on top of daily errands time is precious, and patience is top priority on the buyers part.
If a commission is beyond my capabilities, and time frame, I decline the work.I hate to do that but it is the fair thing to do if I cannot deliver what is promised.
Most of my customers become great friends, and the word of mouth is awesome(so good in fact, that I really do not use e-bay anymore), so as long as you communicate and remain honest, you should never have a problem.
Since all my gear is handmade I really do not do refunds, since money is spent on materials and the time it takes me to build the items.Now if something in life prohibits me from starting a project or finishing it, of course I would refund the money, but not once it is completed and sent to the buyer.
I always stand by my work, and wear and test everything I make just to be sure it is wearer friendly and looks as good as it should look.I do not send out shoddy work.I would not want to receive substandard gear.
To all those who have wondered why I do not sell a lot of unpainted , unfinished stuff, is that i feel I do a really nice job, painting and weathering my work and I have no problem doing custom paint, additions...whatever, so there is no reason to send it out undone.I really do not even figure paint in to the price as the cost of paint is really not an issue.
I feel that I take the headache out of costuming for a lot of people who are not quite that crafty, besides who doesn't like stuff that they can pull out of the box, and wear immediately?To me, that takes a lot of stress off the buyer, and they can concentrate on other aspects of their costume, without worrying about running out to buy hoses ,switches, buttons,elastic, velcro, hinges ect..thus saving gas, and time.
I applaud those who take the initiative to make their own stuff, and I love seeing everybody's work.I am here for those who do not want to do all that or simply do not have the time or the skills.
Also since my stuff takes some time and requires patience on the buyers part, the affordable price is my little way of making up for the wait.I'll leave the price gouging to the oil companies.lolololol
I get great satisfaction when I see people wearing my work, and that is what keeps me going in the world of costuming, as well as all the great friends I have made in the process.
So to everyone who has bought from me, and wore my gear proudly.I thank you all, and it is an honor to call you my friends!!!!
Stay Classy San Diego.lolol
I think one more point that should be made is, there will be instances where sometimes neither the buyer nor the seller are at fault of a transaction going awry; but instead the postal service screws something up and loses the package. At that point, both parties get shafted. The buyer doesn't get the good they paid for. Then the seller is out one item, and the money it was worth if they give a refund.

In this case, I think it should be important for the seller to NOT spend the money they've received from the buyer, until AFTER they know the item has been safely received. If the package is lost, and the payment has been spent, then a refund is not possible right away. Then the buyer has to patiently (key word here) wait for their money back while the seller gathers the funds.

This stuff happens, it's just important to maintain communication and have sympathy, that goes for both parties involved.
I don't know if my previous post came across as sounding defensive. It wasn't meant to be. Anyway, I think common sense and reasonable expectations on both parts are in order. After all, most people who sell stuff on boards like this are not "business people" as such. I think both buyer and seller should keep in mind that things can and do happen to delay, or otherwise interrupt, the delivery of an item. On the other hand, when a seller becomes known for things like poor quality of items, long delivery time, lack of communication, "missing" items, etc. ... well, then it's time to be wary.

I like the idea of having a member become known, at least on a basic level, before posting a sale. I have made one purchase myself from TDH so far, and due to the fact that I got a good sense of the member from his posts, as well as from replies by others, I felt confident. Turns out I got said items in good time and was very pleased with them. On the other hand, if I had gotten shafted on a sale by someone, I would have considered that my problem for not taking more care. After all, TDH is not, and should not be, responsible for the personal dealings of buyers and sellers.

It is sad, however, that there are people out there - even on a generally very friendly board like this - who would take advantage of the trust of others.
I don't know if my previous post came across as sounding defensive. It wasn't meant to be. Anyway, I think common sense and reasonable expectations on both parts are in order. After all, most people who sell stuff on boards like this are not "business people" as such. I think both buyer and seller should keep in mind that things can and do happen to delay, or otherwise interrupt, the delivery of an item. On the other hand, when a seller becomes known for things like poor quality of items, long delivery time, lack of communication, "missing" items, etc. ... well, then it's time to be wary.

I like the idea of having a member become known, at least on a basic level, before posting a sale. I have made one purchase myself from TDH so far, and due to the fact that I got a good sense of the member from his posts, as well as from replies by others, I felt confident. Turns out I got said items in good time and was very pleased with them. On the other hand, if I had gotten shafted on a sale by someone, I would have considered that my problem for not taking more care. After all, TDH is not, and should not be, responsible for the personal dealings of buyers and sellers.

It is sad, however, that there are people out there - even on a generally very friendly board like this - who would take advantage of the trust of others.

Most definitely, couldn't agree more.

I wasn't offended, if that's what you thought.

But you also made a good point, that most transactions on here aren't between "business people" just regular average joes, people who may not have a lot of buying and selling experience in large sums of money, so they are less understanding and may not know how to go about handling a problem if one comes up.

Haven't spent only a year in the mortgage industry (if you are thinking about processing loans, or become a loan officer, change your mind and stay the hell out of this industry, the market is horrible! more bad than good) I learned that patience and communication make all the difference. The poop is bound to hit the fan sooner or later, and when it does, its a matter of how well and efficiently you go about solving the problem.
hey gypsy, it is the correspondence that is imperative...we all agree that there are times when things get in the way, its the "oh, my sisters husbands cousin-in-law got diarhea, and we all have to go to the hospital to help" excuses that people are fed up with...and when you make something, that is COMPLETELY different than selling items that are COMPLETE....if the stuff is done, when you receive payment, ship the stuff...check the thread out in the Cargo Hold...his stuff is complete, he is upgrading, its DONE!! but he couldnt ship cause he is sick? why do you have to keep from shipping the same day you receive payment? that is what is messed up....
I fully see where you are going. I waited a full month for my bucket that only came after numerous complaints and bunch of "I have a lot of kids and 3 jobs and I travel for work". Its not that we aren't happy with the merch, just the lack of reasonable customer service. Right?
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