I have 6 months to make a Zam

Darth Fatty

New Hunter
Hi everyone! I'd like to have an awesome costume made by Halloween this year. I'm willing to spend the time and the money so any help at all would be great! Also, I'm willing to purchase pre-made stuff so if anyone is selling any Zam stuff or knows of anyone who is please let me know. This website has been such a huge help already and I'm excited to become a part of this community! :)
6 months? Wow... I read a costuming saying once: You can have an inexpensive costume. You can have a quick costume. You can have an accurate costume. Pick two. Remember that as you go through this... because in the world of Zamming - 6 months is quick!

MonCal is definitely a fantastic resource! JDFett is another resource you might wish to contact. (I'm Not going to play favorites here :) ) Also go through the threads on this forum for information on how to do some of the costume yourself - such as the leather-work.

Also - feel free to ask questions on this forum! That's why where here - to help one another create our dream Zam costumes!

Good luck!
I'm going for quick and expensive. I don't expect the whole thing to be movie accurate by halloween but I would like it to be close. I have a group of friends that will be dressing as bounty hunters for an annual coffin race. Our coffin is going to be Han in carbonite (if anyone has any ideas how to do that, info would be greatly appreciated!). Thanks to everyone who has already responed to my questions. I will post pics as soon as I get stuff going. I just got my lifesized cardboard Zam in the mail :D
Our coffin is going to be Han in carbonite
:lol: :lol: That's funny!! Can't wait to see those pics! Please post those come Halloween time! We'd love to see the whole group! :D

I'm sure someone here on TDH has done the Han in carbonite before... you might post a question on the main (Sarlaac Pit) board. I'm sure someone can point you in the right direction to make one. (I know there was a thread on it not too long ago - but the Sarlaac threads do get eaten... :facepalm )

The Standee is a great resource! (I just wish they had one that showed the front of her as well! ) IceHeart here on TDH also has a resource CD with LOTS of great pics of an exhibit a few years ago in Aussieland. Lots of closeups on all the parts of Zam! PM her for the details on the CD.

Another resource is the Dressing a Galaxy book by Trisha Biggar (It has a closeup of the front armor and greeblies and such as well as probably being the most color correct if you are looking for that). The regular (inexpensive) version has Zam in it. The Episode II Visual Dictionary is also a good resource for Zam.
money time and dedication is all thats needed...i finished jamie's zam in about 6 months and its not lacking in quality...that included a rifle as well;)
I think me and Becky made hers in under 6 months. I'll have to check

We were lucky in that I purchased a big bag of goodies in one go. so that saved time I guess.
See Moncal about armour yes. As for neoprene there are threads on here that show alternatives to the ZamIAm neoprene run. Ask JDFett I think?

As for the blaster, if you send me or Langsuir666 a PM she has hers for sale :)
I second that about the neoprene alternative (JDFett's find). I bought this for my wife's (Swartzy) Zam and I'm very pleased with the color, weight, and overall appearance of the material.
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