Arden "Lucky" Fisk

I think that was sarcasim ;)

I really like what your doing, its nice to see good ideas. Its also nice to see a fem mando that isn't screaming "I am female" at the top of its lungs. I always figured that female mandos were above that in a way. No I don't want any one jumping all over me for that statment, but just the way I think.

How did you do the helmet drawing?
Yeah, I figured it was sarcasm. My reply was just a bit of exaggeration.

I did that particular drawing with a traditional outline which I scanned in and colored in photoshop.
Yeah... Sarcasm... yeah, that's what it was...


Yeah, I love that picture. My PS colors are nowhere near that good.

I love the added layer to the dome. Nicely different. I was thinking about totally ditching the rangefinder for an antenna array.

I was thinking it might look kinda cool to still have shoulder pads... but on top of the coat. Might be interesting.
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Yes, my advice is always start with the helmet. You'll learn most of the painting techniques you'll use on the rest of your armor by doing your helmet first.

Love the Bes'kad (Sword), and the coat. Looking forward to seeing you put it together.
I would recommend working on the helmet somewhere near the end or after you're confident with your skills in costuming. Often I've seen that the helmet makes or breaks the costume. Do a poor job on the helmet and a fantastic costume, your costume isn't that great. If you do a great job on the helmet and a poor job on the costume, you're awesome.
i love the pre pics people have been posting lately. its nice to see a femmando with the flat plates it makes sense for alot of the women to look more like the men on the battle field i think. the coat is a very sweeeeeeeeet idea i played w the idea for the suit im going to do for my girlfriend eventualy. shouldes would be a neat look depending on the style id definately say go outta the box n try sumthing different if you decide on shoulders. if you need some insperation check out the knights of the old republic comics i havent finished my suit n im already swapping out gear thanks to some ideas i got reading those comics. but you got a realy good idea going keep it up
I would recommend working on the helmet somewhere near the end or after you're confident with your skills in costuming. Often I've seen that the helmet makes or breaks the costume. Do a poor job on the helmet and a fantastic costume, your costume isn't that great. If you do a great job on the helmet and a poor job on the costume, you're awesome.

I've had experience painting and weathering, so I'm not worried. The hardest part is just waiting for my helmet to get here!
I'm getting antsy waiting for stuff to get here so I can begin, so to get out the frustration here's the final version of the character design. I got a little carried away making it 'artistic.'

Main changes are the boots, I'm switching to brown combats and doing just a shin guard instead of the full greave.

I also realize, now that I look at the darn thing, I'm gonna have to switch the scabbard and half-kama to the opposite sides. I'm a rightie and the sword has to lie on my left hip, I'll have to switch the blaster to the other leg as well.

I also took your suggestions and put shoulder armor on the outside of the coat. I agree, I like this much better.

i'm having trouble deciding which emotion i feel strongest.. jealousy or jaw-dropping awe. Mix your armor set up with one of the helmets Morrow Sun is cooking up and i'll officialy be stunned.
Do I detect some Warhammer 40K influences in the sword and an fist icon on the shoulder bell? This is certainly proving to be an interesting concept and I look forward to seeing it take shape.
i thought the same orthar im loving the 40k kinda subtheme you have running throught it (intentional or not) i cant wait to see this come together
You DO, Orthar! I've been painting 40K models for years now (still never played a game with them though :p) I always figured SW Vibroblades would be fairly similar to the chainswords in 40K except the blade doesn't have running chainsaw teeth, just a standard blade vibrating at some super subsonic resonance to easily split atoms. In any case, it'd need a power source and some sort of power indicator, hence the LEDs. I'm gonna have the batteries install into the hilt of the blade.

The fist is in 40K, but it wasn't an influence. I wanted a fist just for my own personal symbolism, like the 'fanblade' design on the helmet.
Man thats one sweet concept picture there. I alos like the one sided skirt like thing, on the left thigh. Its an itresting look. I am guessing the yellow marks are kills, or bounties.

Be paitent it will come to life soon enough. And I can't wait to see it.
Thats one crazy concept ya got going....In a realy great way! :lol: 8) I love the design of it, very HB-esq. :cheers
Man thats one sweet concept picture there. I alos like the one sided skirt like thing, on the left thigh. Its an itresting look. I am guessing the yellow marks are kills, or bounties.

Yup! I wanted my 'killstripes' too, but wanted an original place to put them. Reading the novel "Triple Zero" I learned that the kama was used by the Mandalorians to protect the legs while hunting, so I figured what better place to put the killstripes than on a part of the armor of deep personal and historical significance? Of course, the whole set of armor is of deep personal and historical significance, but YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN. :p
That is one cool looking colour scheme.

Drop the toe spikes though (just my opinion)

other than that, it is one of the best custom mandos i have seen (y)
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