Arden "Lucky" Fisk


Jr Hunter
Arden "Lucky" Fisk: FINISHED (see page 2)

Hello, I'm glad to be joining you over here at TDH! My name is Abby and I've done a couple of other costumes, including Bossk and a TIE pilot as well as a few assorted video game characters.

While I do love me some Boba and Jango, I've always wanted to do a custom Mando because of the potential for coolness, and I figure it's something I could work on at a nice casual pace, here and there when the mood strikes me.

Anyways, I've already done a bit of preliminary planning here. I'm going to be constructing everything completely from scratch except for the helmet, which-- if possible-- I'd love a PM for sources on. I've seen the Rubies and they're just kinda misshapen and ugly. I'm a shorter girl, so I'd like something that isn't way huge. So your expertise is welcome!

Anyways, without further ado, let me introduce Arden 'Lucky' Fisk:


As you can see, even though I'm a girl, I'm gonna do a male Mando. I really don't dig the femme armor. :/

You'll also notice that Arden likes to get up close and personal when he fights, relying mostly on his vibroblade, but he's got a hold out blaster in his boot for when the going gets rough.

I want to start on the helmet first, because nothing's more motivating than having a finished helmet out and waiting for the rest of the outfit to be done!

Again, thanks for the great forum and I can't wait to get started!
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Welcome, You'll find everyone here very nice and helpful(I'm a noob too)

I love it myself. I dig the coat bit a lot.

Sorry not much constructive :)

And the helmet is the first thing I'm gonna do to(after my guns that is), You might take a lookat Bradley Fett's kit, fairly in-expensive. It's what I'm going to get.
Yes, my advice is always start with the helmet. You'll learn most of the painting techniques you'll use on the rest of your armor by doing your helmet first.

Love the Bes'kad (Sword), and the coat. Looking forward to seeing you put it together.
That armor looks great. You have some ideas on there that are fascinating. Keep posting with updates!

I say that but I've not posted any updates of my own... I'm moving slowly and want to surprise everyone with a complete project.
Welcome Abby!

I'd love to see your Bossk! Got any pics? :)

Sure thing. Here's one:


If you want more, you can see them here:

Tensen01, I'll send out an email to BradleyFett, thanks for the heads up.

Glad you guys like the design. Any suggestions on the color scheme? I definitely need yellow and earth tones in there, but crits are welcome if anything seems off.
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here's the link to the thread with info anfpictures of the Helmet kit:

and here's an example of just how good it can look:

One thing to keep in mind, Don't skimp on the details! Details will be the difference between an okay costume and a great one.

I love the color scheme you've got going but maybe tone down the yellow a bit. Once you've got weathering going it'll get toned down on its own though.
here's the link to the thread with info anfpictures of the Helmet kit:

and here's an example of just how good it can look:

One thing to keep in mind, Don't skimp on the details! Details will be the difference between an okay costume and a great one.

I love the color scheme you've got going but maybe tone down the yellow a bit. Once you've got weathering going it'll get toned down on its own though.

I've already consulted with Bradley Fett, his kit looks great. I need to find a source on an aluminum rangefinder stalk and a face shield-- though there's a tool supply place nearby where I should be able to find the shield on my own.

I'll do the details, don't you worry! I'm crazy obsessive about them. Tonight I should have a final design for the helmet, I'll post it here for crits.

And yeah, that color rough is just the basic plan. The base coat of yellow will be super bright, but in the course of weathering it'll get faded and dirtied up. I really do want an obnoxious yellow, though, we'll see how it looks when I get it on there.
Awesome design! I really like the trench coat added on there. Are you going to have shoulder armor? Because it would look killer on top of the trench coat instead of under it.

About the character; you can make them female if you want and have the "male" Mando armor. In Republic Commando: True Colors, Skirata mentions something to the effect of "you can't always tell the gender of a Mando just by looking at their armor."
About the character; you can make them female if you want and have the "male" Mando armor. In Republic Commando: True Colors, Skirata mentions something to the effect of "you can't always tell the gender of a Mando just by looking at their armor."

True and if you detailed the visor on the reverse it would give the appearance of 'never' knowing which way your facing.. did that come out right?
You have the pre-pro Esq eyes on the dome both front and rear... if you painted the visor section on the reverse your enemy (at first glance) would not know what direction you were looking? :p
Just a thought?
Yeah, I was definitely going for the 'eyes in the back of his head' look. I'll toy with the visor effect in the back-- maybe sort of a stylized one?

Well, if the armor is unisex, than I probably will just say there's a girl inside there somewhere. A rough, tough, fairly masculine girl, though! Honestly, my only consideration was that I didn't want the boob armor! Reminds me too much of Frank Frazetta babes in chainmail bikinis. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but it just ain't my style.
Whilst a lot of people like the boob armour look (there's nothing wrong with that at all) I too find it not to my liking. That's why my armour has a curving of the chest plates for comfort only. That way they sit properly but don't scream "WOMAN!" at the top of their lungs. It's there for all to see IF you know what to look for but generally people don't spot it and assume I'm male, NOT that I go around pretending to be one. I just don't announce that I'm not very often (the draw-back of which is that I've been to troops where some women's hands have tried to wander!!!)
I never did this when I was going to make my mando...

Man, I cannot wait to see this done. I like with your vibroblade, it actually looks futuristic, rather than just a pirate sword or something.

Very cool!
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