Finally!!!! A REAL Casio MQ-1


Active Hunter
I finally got one! I'm a wee bit excited right now, and had to share this!:)




Never thought I would find one of these. It's almost a shame that I'm going to tear it apart.;)
Where did you find it? :rolleyes

Ebay... I don't know if I paid too much for it, but when I saw it was posted, I offered the guy $100.00 for it. He added the "buy it now" for that amount, and I bought it. To me it was well worth it, considering I have not seen one listed in well over a year and a half, and I had been goin' nuts trying to get one to add the parts to my suit.
Have you considered molding the relevant part instead of tearing it apart?

A good first-generation casting of that keypad would be nearly indistinguishable from the real part on a finished gauntlet.

I'd be willing to cast it for you or talk you though the process if you want to try it yourself.

Asok- do you have any castings from yours available?


I will need to look. Casting the buttons is a pain. Even when I power the mold, I can only get about 1/3 of the buttons to come out right. Also, I did not cut mine up. So the cast of the main body is the whole front section. That way it can be trimmed to the gauntlet.
If you cast it, you could do what I did. I cast the keypad and the buttons separability.

I never thought about casting it. I have only ever built and painted, and honestly have no real exposure to casting.
If it is something that could be done, and I wouldn't step on any toes in doing it, I would be more than glad to give it a try.

Thanks Asok!

And thanks DAZ for the tip!;)
Do you want me to mold/cast it?

Thats like asking me to send off my newborn child!:lol:lol::lol: JK!! (and I don't have any newborn children..;))

Seriously though, it would be hard for me to send this out. I really do appreciate the offer, but if this is gonna happen, I wouldn't mind trying it myself. Any help you guys could offer would be great!!:cheers And beleive me, I don't mind asking questions about "how to do" things.
Nice find!
If you like, I'll take the unneccesary bits off your hands for you.
Like the keypad and the circuit board. Those are just junk and you'll probably toss them anyway. ;)
nice! so are you going to cut it up and put it on your gauntlet?


it really does have a nice look to it. but be REALLY careful tearing it up.. i almost lost a button from mine!
nice! so are you going to cut it up and put it on your gauntlet?


it really does have a nice look to it. but be REALLY careful tearing it up.. i almost lost a button from mine!

Hey Brian! Oh yea, I wanna put these parts on my suit! I remember seeing yours at NYCC, and WOW!!! Not sure when I will be adding the parts, since I am considering casting from it, but the more I think about it, the more I just wanna put them on and be done.
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