kiddie Jango fett costume help needed

Hello all,

A while back I noticed on one of these boards a member did a child size jango fett costume out of a thin foam style product that can usually be found in craft stores. If anyone has any help they can offer I'd greatly appreciate it. A friend fo mine is looking to do this for his son for halloween.

I don't remember the Jango, but TK409 has done a couple of kids suits this way I think. Someone also did a stormy, but that might also have been tk409. I made some BF armor for my son out of this too.

I don't remember it having a specific name, it was just sheet foam. It comes in many colors and I got mine at Michael's Art Supply.

What kind of help were you looking for?
Let me know what size you need and I can make up a set of templates for you. I have a number of kid sizes already done, from 3'3" on up. Also let me know if you need knee armor as well I don't have small sizes done but I can whip something up pretty quick.

I used WOF's templates for some of the parts on my kid's costume. They work like a charm, just send him your kid's size and he'll set you up. :thumbsup:
I used foam sheets and WOF templates for the armor. Gauntlets and blaster from Roleplaying Set. Jet Pack made of foam core board and odds/ends. Flightsuit handmade by my mom. Helmet by JD.




Good Luck
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