
Well-Known Hunter
I have both Jet Packs at my house waiting to be painted.
So, I figured this would be the best time to do some comparison shots.

just the pics.
Bobamaker on the left, MLC on the right

Jetpacks 003.jpg

Jetpacks 005.jpg

Jetpacks 006.jpg

Jetpacks 007.jpg

Jetpacks 009.jpg

Jetpacks 010.jpg

Jetpacks 011.jpg

Jetpacks 002.jpg
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If questions where allowed .......
could I ask what is the cost difference and which is screen accurate?
That is...
If I was doing research incase I need one for a suit I hope to build in a few years.And "karma" had me choose
If questions where allowed .......
could I ask what is the cost difference and which is screen accurate?

I understand your desire to know pricing.
As this thread will eventually become old & outdated, the pricing would also become old & outdated.
I suggest you contact each of the sellers for accurate pricing quotes.

now, regarding accuracy;
I will not go into what I feel is more accurate.
That would be my opinion.;)

There is a wealth of reference on this forum,
I invite everyone to draw their own opinions on accuracy from the reference pictures and follow their own hearts as to what pack would suit them best.
Great thread. Thanks for this.

The jet pack is one of my final purchases and this thread is really helping me make up my mind.

Your label is wrong. The BM is only on the the right side in the first picture. After that the MLC pack is on the right.

Izim, the MLC has the fatter rocket on it.

If I'm remembering correctly, the MLC gear was all size based off of a 12"inch figures equipment so thats why some things are different.
Tell you the truth I dont think you can go wrong either way. Ive seen them both up front. I have a MLC right now and id like to get a BM sooner or later just for fun.
Since my pack did not have a backplate and I had to form a solid sheet, how to the panels that open on the back stay closed? Anyone have some finished pics? I want to cut an opening in mine (which is complete now) so I can install my hollow beacon and stabilizer but still be able to close it back up.
Since my pack did not have a backplate and I had to form a solid sheet, how to the panels that open on the back stay closed? Anyone have some finished pics? I want to cut an opening in mine (which is complete now) so I can install my hollow beacon and stabilizer but still be able to close it back up.

I left my cover off
It's hidden by the backplate anyway
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