Modified Action Figures


Active Hunter
I was not sure if there is already a thread on this so forgive me for starting this.
Until I get my 1:1 pieces to build my full size mandalorian suit.I have been modify my extra kenner/hasbro figures to get hands on inspriation to the direction I will go.
The following are pictures of what I feel is the look I plan to make,hopefully being done by this time next year.

If it is ok,everyone else share your photos of your modified action figure.I was not sure if the is a area here at the "Dent" for the action figures.
I had two POTF Bobas and I wanted to see if I could improve on the look a little. Here are some shots of a POTF Boba I changed up.


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Ok, I can dig this thread. I do a little bit of work with toys, not so much repainting action figures but mainly art toys. Here's 2:


It's my custom Mandalorian, I named him "Olin Grey" after a WWII war hero I heard about. I think it turned out ok, although looking back I should've put more armor on.

And the theres this:

Urban Art Bomber Fett, done in my signature colorway.

Thanks for looking.

Those looks AWESOME....I love the detail on the Bomber Fett and the display for the other looks great.
What imagination !!!!!

Those are some cool customs figures!

I have yet to do my custom mando as an action figure, although I fully intend to sometime in the near future. I've been busy with other projects. I do have a figure I made of the clone commander I'd like to put together as a wearable costume some day.

This is Commander Sid of the 442nd Siege Battalion
I did this one about 2 years ago for a background....Dead guy :lol:-


I did this one a couple of months ago just from spare parts I had in my customs box -


And I did this one becuase it was extremly easy. :lol: -

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ask and ye shall find

i have been customing star wars figures for 2 years...i have legacy period officers:-


i have a clone legion of my own...i give to you the 802nd legion's elite strike team led by commander rend and captain raimer:-


and i will be taking more photos ofmy customs soon to kind of sum up my work so legacy customs are my most recent..had sculpted extra chest uniform pieces and the mace head was converted from post to ball joint...that was hard lol
those are really cool you frequent any customs websites...ffurg or jd are my homes for custom figures

Thanks! I like your custom clone unit. What species if the Jedi meant to be? Or is he just a human with facial tats?

I haven't been on custom figure boards lately (because of the costuming and doing merch for MM) but I used to be on the YakFace boards a lot. I try to only use one or two boards to keep my confusion to a minimum. :lol:
yeah i only EVER use 2 boards...that way you get a good mix of comments and feedbacks while not being swamped by too many lk...the jedi is a human with tats...he's inspired by a dark jedi/sith guy i saw in this fan film:-

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Does this count? I took 3 different Jango's to make one that would fit in the box. Seeing that my 501st card was not a TK, I had to change it.

That's cool! Ya know, you could pretty easily print up a label and replace the "Stormtrooper" with "Jango Fett" and paste it over the card in the front. It'd complete the whole package. :)
That's cool! Ya know, you could pretty easily print up a label and replace the "Stormtrooper" with "Jango Fett" and paste it over the card in the front. It'd complete the whole package. :)

If I had a color laser printer. :facepalm
hehe...i know those parts...ive made that one myslef...its kamino jango body with pilot jango arm and legs with one other jango arm right?
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