My suit

I'm repainting my mando suit a dark blue and gray. I should have some pics as soon as I'm done. here's a pic of the celebration.

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Not a bad start.

First, widen the visor area, it looks like your mando is squinting.

Second, get a darker visor.

Third, Get some leg/knee and thigh armor.

Keep up the progress..
1. Get a newer helmet
2. Get a new cod, I saw you at CIV, and your mando was pretty good, but that part really bothered me.

I think the biggest part of your armor, might be a repaint, it is amazing when you see the progress from a V1 to a V2 suit, that is what happened with me, and the difference between it is amazing.

I personally dont like nerf guns, they dont seem SW like to me, that just looks like what it is, a nerf BFG.
For a starter helmet it's not that bad, but I would look at getting a new one when you have a chance.

I wouldn't worry to much with leg armor unless it's on your "Must have" list, but you need knee armor...thats a staple for all mando costumes.

I can't tell if the blue of your cod is all the cod you have or if you have black surrounding it, so I can't really comment on that part =D
For a starter helmet it's not that bad, but I would look at getting a new one when you have a chance.

I wouldn't worry to much with leg armor unless it's on your "Must have" list, but you need knee armor...thats a staple for all mando costumes.

I can't tell if the blue of your cod is all the cod you have or if you have black surrounding it, so I can't really comment on that part =D

Its a shoulder piece.
That is why I recommended he might upgrade it.
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