Aluminum Flame Thrower Update


Active Hunter
It will take about three to four weeks to get them through the shop.
To me thats FAST turn time to get something like this and $150.00 shipped is still a GREAT deal.

I will keep updates rolling in as I get pics

1. CenterOfTheMind : PAID
2. Fettofficer : PAID
3. CMAnavy : PAID
4. texasfett : PAID
5. dengar 99 : PAID
6. SlaveR5 : PAID
7. acyang : PAID
8. Sithlord23 : PAID
9. Bountys Hunted : PAID
10. Benkenove : PAID
11. Matrix : PAID
12. shabad : PAID
13. sancho : PAID
15. SaxeCoburg : PAID

1. TK-2177 : PAID
2. Galactic Bounty Hunter : PAID
3. Mandalorfett : PAID
4. TK 4130 : PAID
5. Got Maul : PAID
6. Christo Fett : PAID
7. BobaFettSlave 1 : PAID

As soon as I get some pics i will post them.
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This price increase shouldn't scare anyone away, because remember, this is something you will NEVER have to upgrade EVER again! Everyone wanted a pricequote, and psberetta gave his best guess. Plus, how long has it been since an aluminum ESB FT was offered? Everyone should still jump on this now!
Still in bro! Still beats the $200 plus shipping for the others that were available AGES NEVER see them around.

After the pics Psberetta posted you can see these are the HOLY GRAIL of Fett accessories.

I repeat IN, IN, IN!!!
I'm still in, but it'll take a couple days for the money to get into my paypal account. Also, you mentioned in the other thread you were going to try and cut some of the plates that go between the flame thrower and the gauntlet, are those included, or will they be available separately or what?
I never said I would offer the plates.

WOF posted a link to the template that is of "proportional size"to it.
I belive it was a member named hankey01 that said something about cutting some out.
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I'm never said I would offer the plates.

WOF posted a link to the template that is of "proportional size"to it.
I belive it was a member named hankey01 that said something about cutting some out.

Indeed it was. :) I cut about 25 of them from 1/8" aluminum..turned out pretty good...will post a pic in a bit.

I will be sending them to Laan to offer. I would, but we are expecting a baby any day now so I won't have time for it right now.

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Well payment sent,ready to see that bad boy come in the mail. :cheers
Thanks again. One thing that I forgot to ask what does the back side look like is it flat,so you can machine to put screws?
I think it "should" has screws with bolts to place it in the gauntlet.. (I hope you do it this way ;)

BTw.. PM to final details...
Well payment sent,ready to see that bad boy come in the mail. :cheers
Thanks again. One thing that I forgot to ask what does the back side look like is it flat,so you can machine to put screws?

Yes, they will have threaded holes in the back.
The screws will come with it so you can attach it to your plate.
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