Chest Display (ie, lights)


Active Hunter
Howdy, howdy all!

Wow ... I didn't realize it had been SO long since I'd logged on to TDH. I like the new look (it's been nearly a year, so it may have changed quite some time ago). ;) I stopped coming to the board because I knew I'd never complete a Fett suit of my own, but continue to admire my "Mystery" Fett helmet. :)

Well, quite some time ago, I came up with a chest light circuit, with the help (and request of) Brak's Buddy ... as well as a few other old-timers on the board. Over a year ago, I did my last big run, as there was new blood looking to sell lights. I'm not a very competitive person, when it comes to marketing anyway, so I've only sold to those who've contacted me since then. Well, I've had a few requests lately, and am about out of circuit boards. My question is this: Is there enough interest to justify ordering another batch of boards to be made? I'm not limiting this to a "run" per se ... once I order boards, I can keep them on-hand, as last time. I just don't want to order them and have a dozen or more left in my parts stash for the next 2 years. ;)

Seriously, I'll probably be ordering the boards in the next few days. I've said before that I'd continue to make them as long as there's interest. My main point for posting is to let others know that yes, they ARE available, and I WILL be building a few sets in the near future. So if you're ready for a set of lights, now's the time. I'm moving in about a month or two, and time will be limited for a while afterwards.

Some iInfo about the boards is available at Brak's Buddy's site (can't seem to stop thanking him, even after 4 years) at:

That's where you'll find the schematic, as was requested by PM. ;)



P.S. If anyone would like to reach me quickly, feel free to e-mail me at wild_wire @ yahoo . com (no spaces of course).
Good timing!
I just today received a set of FG chest armor, and I'll be looking for a set of chest lights.
What are the dimensions and price of your set? PM if you prefer.

I'm in as well. (y) To anybody out there with Shackman's Chest Display what armor do you have and did it line up? thanks Takemetoyourfett
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it depends on the physical dimensions of the board. i've got a tk409 one which works great, but the size is a bit awkward with my armor.

if your boards were smaller, i'd be interested in swapping out the one i have.
Takemetoyourfett said:

No need to shout with your caps on....
Just cut the holes to fit the lights, most need to be cut open anyway.

My FP armor didn't have hole placement provisions in the armor, you had to figure out where to place the lights then cut them out to size.

Ack! Sorry for the lack of info guys. Guess I could have put pricing in the original post. :(

The original runs (for about 2 years) were $100 + shipping. However, at one point I offered a Halloween sale, dropping the price to $80 + shipping; and I've honored that price on all orders since then. So for those in the U.S., final price is $85 shipped (which includes Priority Mail and delivery confirmation). Overseas shipping is just a couple of dollars more (using Air Mail). No extra charge for using PayPal. :)

As for sizing, I don't have a set on-hand that I can measure. Hopefully a few of the "old-timers" can step up and give some measurements. The board is only slightly larger than the actual display area ... and the display portion (visible area when viewed from the front) was designed around dimensions provided to me by fellow TDHers, far more knowledgeable about the suit than I.

As mentioned in the original post, I'm not pushing for a "run" on these. I was mainly looking for interest overall, to support the cost of having more boards etched. Once I get the boards, I'll be able to make these lights as needed until I run out again. The only limitations to keep in mind are:

1) The more interested up-front, the more boards I'll order. This keeps me from running out sooner and having to wonder if it's worth ordering more (fewer boards ordered means cost increase on my end, and I'd rather not raise the price for you).

2) My wife and I are in the process of buying a new home, so in a few more weeks, I'll be out of commission until everything settles. So if you're needing lights quickly, the next week or so is the time to let me know. Otherwise, you can still get them, but it may be a couple of months.


How much more interest will you need before you order the etched boards, or make a decision to start making them? I understand you have a limited time frame, but I am just curious.
I plan to order the boards in the next few days. I have a couple of people who have paid, and I've said offered to have their boards out in about a week or two. Whether or not I order them isn't in question ... just how many to have ordered.


Shacks lights are the best!!(y)

I have Durasteel armor and had to place and cut mine out as well. I blew up an ESB frontal shot until it was a life sized peice to overlay onto my armor then cut out the paper chest slots then drew onto my armor with a sharpie underneath. I simply then began the process of cutting the aluminum chest armor peice by first drilling with a 1/8" bit then just filing the rest with micro files....tedious, but you only get one shot at getting it right.

DL44 Blaster said:
first drilling with a 1/8" bit then just filing the rest with micro files....tedious, but you only get one shot at getting it right.


heh... i used a dremel to cut the majority of the slots, and then the little files to clean it up.

shackman - i just saw spidey/batninja's photos, and i definitely would like one of your displays. PM on the way for details!
tk7602 said:
heh... i used a dremel to cut the majority of the slots, and then the little files to clean it up.

shackman - i just saw spidey/batninja's photos, and i definitely would like one of your displays. PM on the way for details!

Thats a huge complement to be mistaken for Spidy... I wish... but those are Evan4218/Batninja photos... *now to just figure out how to steal Spidys identity* hehe ;) :lol: :lol: :lol:
evan4218 said:
Thats a huge complement to be mistaken for Spidy... I wish... but those are Evan4218/Batninja photos... *now to just figure out how to steal Spidys identity* hehe ;) :lol: :lol: :lol:

doh! i should look more at the icons, and less at the pretty displays. ;)
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