WIP: SE Boba Fett

No prob, bruv. I know we're all WIP pic junkies. lol

Everywhere I went last night, people kept telling me I smelled like vanilla biscotti coffee. My hands still smell like it. I need to look into that Starbucks sponsorship. Gonna be hard to Barista with my helmet on. LOL

Carefull now D. Soon people will call you Coffee Fett :lol:
Hopin the smell of the shoe polish will dumb down the coffee smell. That or I'll smell like a French vanilla half-calf kiwi latte. lmao
Forgot to mention, Mary decided to help out with the weathering process.... although, maybe a little misguided. lol

The cat, though cooperative, was wholly unimpressed. :)

Fett kitty weathering.jpg
Great job there, brother. I don't know if it will actually help to set the stains or not, but I threw my suit in the dryer after each round of weathering.

By the way, wipe your face. You've got something on your lip!
My girthbelt arrived from HorseloverZ today. Hope to have it dyed by toinight. Wish me luck. :)

Also, thank you DP74 for giving a Fett-noob some really good advice. :)
Thought I'd give ya a break. lol I wont get to do it til tomorrow morning. Had to rescue Mary and my mother from a flat tire situation. lol I'll ring ya tomorrow after i get her dyed. :)
Sonik... I used stain to dye my girth belt an it came out looking just like your picture. Not if the multiple coats will get you there, but it may. Any after dying my belt, I was able to take the same rattlecan color that I used on the gaunts "claret" and give the belt a light dusting of spray. That light dusting gave it the deep rich red color I was looking for without making it rigid. Just a thought in case you get to that point. Also gave it a very, very slight floquil grimy black mist.
Just finished second application, and though subtle, it definetely made a difference, especially where the binding is since that is a blend material. It's drying now. Pics soon.
First and foremost, a HUGE thank you to whistle8mp!!!

Okay. I did this as a two part process in order to achieve a darker color (especially on the bindings which tend to be a blend rather than straight up mohair).

First I dyed it, wrung it out and hung it up to dry. Start early, cause drying takes a long time.

Second, repeated the process, except I allowed the belt to lay in the dye and soak for approximately 10-15 minutes. Then, ring her out and hang her up again.

If you can have someone help you by holding up the belt whilst you ring it out, it makes the process easier and much faster.

The second tint step acts subtly, but definetely worth the added effort. Also, this particular stain darkness as it dries. :)

The color I used can be picked up at any Lowe's:

Minwax water-based stain, #13 Spice Red

They have to mix it for you, as it is a decoration tint formula. But that color is a standard Minwax tint color. Hope this has been helpful.

After first dye app (indirect sunlight):

After 2nd dye app (direct sunlight):

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