WIP BMv3 helmet for Fettfw3

Yes, you're quite right.

The red vertical trim behind the left ear on the MR casts seem to meet the orbital band at a very sharp angle and is quite fat whereas the PP2 based lids seem to have a softer meeting point plus the vertical strip is thinner. Just had a quick look at a couple of helmets and this BM does seem to have some PP2 features on it and dent seems more reworked PP2 than MR by a stretch. I know the older BM helmets, with incorporated wavy brow, seemed to have been regarded as on the smaller side. The earliest PP2 casts I've seen are very much MR sized so just wondering if that could be what this is given your feeling that this was in that MR sized range?
Werent the older BM casts based of the PP2? Maybe this is just further worked from that same derivative
Werent the older BM casts based of the PP2? Maybe this is just further worked from that same derivative

Well, his site used to state his older helmet was his own sculpt but I recall a review that gave strong evidence indicating that it had strains of Mystery helmet in it; even so there seems to be plenty of photo evidence suggesting that the older BM helmets with the fan sculpty dent were certainly on the smaller side. If this V3 is in the region of the MR in terms of scale then that would tend to suggest a different base. BMs current site has a close up of his dent and that is definitely PP2 in a raw form without rework. As the helmet you've painted here seems to display other PP2 traits I wonder if this V3, with better scaling, could be from the helmet he acquired around five years ago with the blown out ear from the MF project? Those not sure of what I'm talking about can see pictures of that helmet in the Fettpride thread 'New PP2 helmet acquisition '.
I'm having issues with my visor. I had a face shield laying around and applied a window tinting to it. The face shield material is so rigid that i cant get it to sit snug enough to secure properly. I'm new to this so if i can be put on the right path, I'd appreciate any advice.
I'm having issues with my visor. I had a face shield laying around and applied a window tinting to it. The face shield material is so rigid that i cant get it to sit snug enough to secure properly. I'm new to this so if i can be put on the right path, I'd appreciate any advice.
Is it a BM helmet?
this is actually something i 3dprinted i got the file for printing from: Thingiverse - Digital Designs for Physical Objects.
my phone's camera kind of sucks. the visor in the pic looks okay I guess but i cant get it to set down well enough to for the adhesive to grip. Was wonder what material is best used for making a visor.


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I dont know what that has to do with this thread urangus.... but theres a thread regarding the visor installations. Check it out, theres ways to make them sit more flush
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