What a truly amazing event and evening - The JB Project

Holy cow, that is the best ESB suit I have ever seen. I just had a geekasm :lol: Great job guys, and thanks so much for sharing those pics it means alot.
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It was a great day and it has been 4 incredible months!! I want to thank all of the makers and everyone who helped pull this off!! .....and our PROJECT LEADER...Alex AKA Spideyfett....None of this would have been possible without you!!

here are a few pics of the presentation and then Jeremy getting suited up for the photo shoot:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

much more to come...stay tuned

the presentation..left to right: Philip Wise (owner of Rebelscum and The Force.net), myself, Spideyfett, Batninja


Jeremy on stage


Jeremy with the costume


the OBI DAN painting


Getting ready for the photoshoot- FETTPRIDE dressing the mannequin


Jeremy in the suit.....walking out of the dressing room for the photshoot....LOOK at the SMILE on FETTPRIDES FACE!!!

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You gotta wonder if JB had any idea when he first took the part of this bounty hunter with no face that he would be such a fan icon. It certainly is very exciting to have him connected with TDH in this way... even if some of us can only experience the whole thing from home on our computers.

One of the best parts of the night was after we took photos of the suit on the mannequin. The suit needed to have a final fitting done and needed to have adjustments made to fit Jeremy perfectly. Sitting back and watching almost a dozen TDH guys from all over the country, in one room working together was just inspiring. You have one guy dremeling, another painting, another sewing, another helping Jeremy with the parts.... It was just great to see everyone together and working as one and the results were well worth it.
Truly amazing! Everyone involved should be exceedingly proud.
I am certain JB was appreciative of the gesture, and I hope he knows just how much talent, skill, altruism, and, above all, passion it took to make this a reality.
Stunning work guys! Stunning.
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